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Subject: raid - any point?

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Nov-02  @  10:58 PM   -   raid - any point?


Posts: 2890

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i'm thinking of getting an asus a7v333 (coz i got an asus a7v now, and it works) but the a7v333 comes in two versions - onbaoard raid or not.

shall i bother? any point?

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Message 21/24             03-Dec-02  @  09:48 AM   -   RE: raid - any point?


Posts: 2890

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yes, also known as "the bank"

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Message 22/24             11-Dec-02  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: raid - any point?


Posts: 90

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I thought you could use Raid to speed up reading, the hard drive that finds the data first returns it, thus reducing latency due to time needed to move the head.

Raid0 or Raid1 or something from memory.

But yeah, prolly not worth the money.

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Message 23/24             28-Dec-02  @  06:11 PM   -   RE: raid - any point?



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Yeah, RAID 0 writes to two or more disks as tho they were one, hence you can read back data at (in theory, although with IDE, not in practice) twice the speed. It is also very prone to tripping up randomly and wiping ALL your data.
RAID 1 mirrors your data accross to an identical setup so again, in theory, you have a complete back up of data so if lot falls over it switches seemlessly to the other, tho it doesn't always work this way. SCSI yes, IDE no basically  
It's fun to play with for five minutes, benchmarking etc. then when you have to use it and it trips up a few times you get really f0rked off at it and give up. Best left to real computers like wot Sun make  

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Message 24/24             28-Dec-02  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: raid - any point?



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Oh yeah, and another vote for Abit, all my machines run Abit boards, been using them for years. All rock solid, fast and behave exactly as they should do.

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