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Subject: faster cpu but less performance?

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Jul-02  @  03:16 AM     Edit: 28-Jul-02  |  03:18 AM   -   faster cpu but less performance?


Posts: 781

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loaded Reason onto my laptop. It's a 1.2ghz celeron with 256mb ram. The same songs that plays fine on my pIII800 with 256mb ram will not play on my laptop. I get the anoying computer not fast enough error message. I noticed that only 240mb of ram are available due to 16 allocated to video. I am on xp with this machine. The other was windows 98. I am thinking the problem may be a ram issue because xp may have more processes going than 98. Also what is the best way to set up virtual memory? I turned off the video exceleration and all other xp video enhancers, and increased teh virtual memory to the max with min=max.

Are the celerons just not able to process as many operations per cycle, or do you think I may just need more ram for these large song files with tons of synths going due to it being xp?

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Message 21/25             05-Aug-02  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


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brett..jesus fucking CHRIST JUST PRINT THE GOD DAMN AUDIO MAN!!!!!!!

fuck! youre always talkin about FIFTY WAVES RCLS and FORTY Softsynths...

if you like the sound PRINT IT!!!!

sorry. just..reading this...arrggghhh

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Message 22/25             06-Aug-02  @  07:01 AM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?



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settle down tiger. I was just doing it to see what it would do. I am faced with a real issue now though, The laptop I have will not playback Reason songs made on my pIII because it says the computer isn't fast enough.

And to note printing fx, or bouncing, is not a fun task in cubase and it prevents you from backing off on eq or compression later. By using a plug-in realtime, you can always go back and tweek it a little , then export the mix again. I like that option since we all make mistakes. I love Sonar, you can archive the midi after bouncing it audio, save your synth preset, apply your fx in place, and easily go back and re-print it if needed. Cubase isn't so freindly.

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Message 23/25             06-Aug-02  @  07:25 AM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


Posts: 7627

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yeah. youre right, but..its not that hard to decide to leave something

SX lets you do that tho

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Message 24/25             06-Aug-02  @  04:56 PM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?



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you can place already-exported tracks into a muted folder track and just take it out of the folder track if you wanna redo it. it's not so hard.

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Message 25/25             06-Aug-02  @  06:41 PM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


Posts: 2707

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Brett, regardless of which machine you tried your "test" on, you simply removed an already existing bottleneck. If that bottleneck doesn't exist, then you'll see very little gain on CPU-intensive tasks.



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