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Subject: k,would it be too much trouble...

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Original Message                 Date: 05-Nov-00  @  05:49 PM   -   k,would it be too much trouble...



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to add a Mac Tech forum?I'm sure it wouldn't eat much bandwidth up.I have some Macs and Music questions and most people at the mac sights are not too up on things.

I found a black chick who'll sing for free so if you have some lyrics send em to me .pdf stylee.

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Message 21/25             11-Nov-00  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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Just bought a new 550 mhz I-STAR AS/400 at work... got it for only $100,000.00 betcha it is faster then your macs  
Don't forsee many good audio programs coming out for it though...tino

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Message 22/25             11-Nov-00  @  04:55 AM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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boat anchor

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Message 23/25             12-Nov-00  @  05:59 AM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...

What a Bargain


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A 100k pc where can i get one.I'd rather that than a 996.

Bloatware huh?Keep telling yourself that.G3-64 bit,G4 128 bit.There are fucking export restrictions for christ sake so it must be useless.SGI? did you see my rate $35 hr DIY,Uh i'm trying to make technology affordable to use for peeps like myself who can't afford the big suites w/ SGI.The fucking vtr in a SGI room usually costs $10k.My system w/ my camcorder was just a wee bit over that.And Apple gives the updates away try that w/ avid or sgi.The FCP package goes all the way to Hi Def now w/ the appropriate cards.I know how crap the quality of HD is.give me a break.It already supports pal which is 600 lines resolution and never mind,K,be quick w/ the mac thread please.

-;) Great you like pcs,I hate them and would like to smash them on site.Mac is a least a cult.No Clonez=No Gimpz.Even an iMac DV is dope.I can't say the same for an E machines Celery processor based PC.Wheres my juicer?Has anyone ever had celery juice?DON'T(super yuck).I wish they would figure out how to make a well ventilated powerbook so they can stick the G4 in,Those things are hot lil bastards,you shoul see the heat sink for's like 10x the size of the chip.4 gigaflops per second burst at 128 bit.yeah that's crap all right.sheesh.Enjoy Wintel

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Message 24/25             12-Nov-00  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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you can get a as/400 off the ibm website. the main processor is the istar 64 bit 4way. We also have about 10 866mhz NT servers running inside the thing... Its pretty cool... the OS sux ass but it never goes down. 5 min of downtime per year. If it does go down it can restore itself with a BLOB backup that brings it back bit4bit from last backup.

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Message 25/25             13-Nov-00  @  12:43 PM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...


Posts: 424

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- Mac is a least a cult..

heh - you said it mate.

a cult for rich people, with an eye for a nice design.

as for the smashing up pc's... you really shouldn't get yourself worked up over something that isn't really directly bothering or affecting you eh?

pc's are great because they can be what you want.. getting em working and top spec is half the fun.. YOU should know about that if you mess about with vdubs. Unless you only restore classics to their original state.

me - I luv a cal look mate   might even lower my pc's casing tonight.

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