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Subject: Logic V5.20 announced

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Original Message 1/27             02-Jul-02  @  06:40 PM   -   Logic V5.20 announced


Posts: 12353

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multiple vst-i & Logic-i outputs at least pluys more apparently... check it out!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/27             02-Jul-02  @  06:59 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced



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Message 3/27             02-Jul-02  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced



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i can only see the german version, could somebody paste the english info here?

stupid cacheing isp. i don't understand it.

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Message 4/27             02-Jul-02  @  07:47 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced



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ok i found it somewhere else:

Logic 5.2 for Mac and Windows to be released shortly
July 2nd 2002

With version 5.2 Logic offers a considerably extended feature set: additional audio routing possibilities through auxiliary channels, more audio tracks, improved track mixer, optimizations within the automation and further detailed changes. With this new version, individual outputs for VST2.0 and Emagic software instruments make a debut in Logic. Intelligent management of individual outputs ensures that single output signals are automatically added to the sum output of the software instrument as soon as the instrument does not make any use of its individual output.

Another innovation is a newly created plug-in, known as the I/O-insert, which is used to route the signals of external effect processors into individual channels via inserts. Also new is monitoring and pre-processing with plug-ins, as well as the ability busses and inputs as sidechain inputs. Version 5.2 of Logic also offers hardware-independent realtime sample-rate conversion.

We anticipate that the current beta tests will be successfully completed in the next few weeks. Version 5.2 of Logic Platinum is therefore expected to be available for all registered owners of Logic Platinum 5.0 Mac and Windows on Emagic's website as free download in August 2002.

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Message 5/27             02-Jul-02  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


Posts: 5701

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well wicked. ok, NOW they can stop producing it for all i care.

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Message 6/27             03-Jul-02  @  01:38 AM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


Posts: 12353

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same here.. if it works it works, that's a good ethos.. 192 tracks max is enuff for me for future needs  

please let them add full rewire support P-LEASE!!..


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/27             10-Jul-02  @  04:46 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


Posts: 4

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Now it looks like emagic is offering Logic for Mac free to registered pc users on that same news page. So does this cool the jets- or is it really just a half-assed attempt at reparation?

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Message 8/27             11-Jul-02  @  06:50 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


Posts: 12353

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well, it's an offer at least - and nicely, NI also offer free mac cross-grade version to all registered users too - so if you're an NI instrument user you can also get free mac versions.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/27             18-Jul-02  @  12:47 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


Posts: 151

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I gutted about the apple take over. Althought some consolation is that Logic v5.2 looks like it is nealry finished.

Although FULL rewire v2 support a la Sonar v2, Yamaha OPT support, and Decent Multi CPU support are the only missing features as far as i'm concerned.

However looks like they will never happen. REal shame about the rewire v2 as well....



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Message 10/27             06-Aug-02  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


Posts: 151

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Found this over at the sonikmatter forum detailing the new features in the v5.2 release:

Logic Platinum 5.2

Enhanced Audio Engine
Aux Channels
Additional Audio Engine Features
Plug-In Enhancements
Track Mixer Enhancements and Changes
Track Automation Enhancements
Score Editor Improvements
General Improvements and Changes
Software Instrument Changes, new Features
EXS24 Enhancements
Logic Control Changes

Enhanced Audio Engine

The audio engine has been updated, expanding its functionality extensively.

Now Logic Platinum features 64 Aux channels.
Now Logic Platinum supports 64 multiple outputs of audio instruments.
There are 128 stereo tracks (previously 96).
There are 256 stereo tracks using multiple audio hardware (previously 192).
There are 15 inserts per track and bus (previously 8).
There are 64 busses (native and TDM) (previously 16).
There are 64 audio instruments (previously 32).

In addition to improving performance, the enhanced audio engine offers several new and highly flexible routing options. These are described below.

Change to Audio Instrument Channel layout
The insert slot for software instrument plug-ins has been moved down to the I/O section of the Audio Instrument object. It is now located just above the output selection field, visually aligning itself with the channel I/O sections of all the other types of audio objects. This results in a more concise mixer layout.

Support of multiple output instrument plug-ins
Logic now supports the new multiple outputs of the EXS24 (described below), and of VST2.0 instrument plug-ins that are capable of addressing multiple outputs.

In addition to the ”Mono” and ”Stereo” submenus of the Audio Instrument menu, a new ”Multi Channel” submenu lists all plug-ins that offer multiple outputs. A plug-in needs to be inserted from the ”Multi Channel” submenu, in order to access its individual outputs.

Please note that not all instrument plug-ins (both Emagic and third-party) are multi-output capable. If the instrument plug-in does not appear in the Multi Channel submenu, it is not equipped with multiple output facilities.

Accessing multiple outputs
The first two outputs of a multiple output plug-in are always played back as a stereo pair by the Instrument channel that the plug-in is inserted in. Additional outputs (3 & 4, 5 & 6 etc.) are accessed via the new AUX channels (see below).

Audio Hardware & Drivers New Parameters
Audio > Audio Hardware & Drivers > ....

The parameter old “Larger Process Buffer” has been renamed to “Process Buffer Range”. This parameter is particularly helpful for users of VST-DSP-cards. You can now choose between several buffer sizes: Small, Medium, Large and Jumbo. Smaller buffer sizes have a positive effect on VST-DSP-cards latencies and a better system response however the CPU load will increase slightly as well.

“Max. Scrub Speed” determines the maximum possible playback speed while scrubbing. (Normal, Double)

“Scrub Response” adjusts the way the scrub facility reacts to your mouse movements. (Slow, Normal, Fast, Faster)

Aux channels

The native Aux (Auxiliary) channel is a new type of audio object, introduced in Logic 5.2. Two Aux channels are pre-configured in a new song, by default. As with all other audio objects, Aux objects can be created, and accessed, via the Audio layer of the Environment.

Aux channels can also be displayed in the Track Mixer. Note: Ensure that the view filter of the Track Mixer is set up to show Aux channels, via the view filter buttons. i.e: activate the Aux button (track view) if the Aux channels are used as tracks in the Arrange window. Activate the Aux and Global button (global view) if the Aux objects are only used as Environment objects (i.e. they are not used as Arrange window tracks).

Aux channels can be either mono or stereo. Aux Input sources will appear as either stereo pairs, or single mono channels, dependent on the mono/stereo status of the Aux channel. It is possible to use the same input source for several Aux channels. Aux channels feature inserts, sends and I/O assignment options. Aux channels process audio signals non-destructively, in realtime.

Aux channels as Bus returns
By definition, Sends (which are, in effect, the busses) are not available directly on bus channels. Busses can, however, be set as the Input source for Aux channels. In doing so, the Aux channels act as bus returns, allowing the use of Sends. These Sends can be returned on additional Aux channels allowing the construction of complex effect routings.

Aux channel inputs
The input source of an Aux channel is selected with the Input assignment pop-up menu. Possible input sources are: Input objects (dependent on the available physical inputs of the audio card in use), Bus channels and all software instrument outputs provided by Instrument plug-ins (Logic or VST2.0).

Note: Additional instrument outputs are only available to plug-ins inserted into an instrument channel via the ”Multi Channel” sub menu. Aux channel Input sources - being sent from suitable Instrument plug-ins - start from output 3.

Aux channels and Instrument plug-ins with multiple outputs
By default, all outputs of a ”Multi Channel” Instrument plug-in are summed and routed to the stereo output of the respective audio instrument channel at first. Signals of individual outputs (starting with output 3) are automatically subtracted from the stereo output sum after they have been assigned to Aux channel inputs.

Outputs 1 and 2 are always assigned to the respective audio instrument. This assignment is fixed and cant be changed.

Additional Audio Engine Features

Bus destinations
It is now possible to assign the output of a higher-numbered Bus to one with a lower number. Example: the output of Bus 4 can now be assigned to Bus 3, 2 or 1 as well.

More input sources for plug-in side chains
In addition to audio tracks, Inputs and Busses can now be used as side chain sources for side chain-capable plug-ins. This allows the EVOC20 vocoder to process live audio inputs (as its analysis or synthesis signal) via the side chain input, for example.

Monitoring with effect plug-ins
Audio channels - with assigned audio inputs - allow the monitoring of effects when record-enabled (armed). For this to work, the ”Software Monitoring” preference for the particular hardware must be enabled in its driver panel. (Menu: Audio > Audio Hardware & Drivers.)

Recording input signals with effects (pre-processing)
It is now possible for Audio Input channels (”live” inputs) - with inserted plug-ins to process an incoming audio signal destructively. This means that once an Audio Input object is assigned to an audio track, it can be monitored, and recorded, with its effect plug-ins.

Note: To use the Audio Input object as a ”live input”, ensure that the Input object has an assigned Output. This allows monitoring of the Input object (with all effects) directly, without the need to assign it to a record-enabled audio channel.

Software sample rates
Logic 5 now performs a realtime, software sample rate conversion. Any sample rate that is available in Logics ”Sample Rate” menu (Menu: Audio > Sample Rate) can be used for the conversion - even if your audio hardware does not support the selected sample rate!

The native software sample rate conversion facility matches the sample rate of any audio hardware, thereby allowing the playback of projects on virtually any audio system even if the hardware is - in sample rate terms - not compatible. Nothing is lost in the process. Any internal processing and bouncing is always performed at the original sample rate, and at the highest quality, even in cases where the hardware does not support a particular sample rate. This facility allows you to work on projects originally created on high-end audio systems, with smaller setups.

A song was created with an audio hardware/setup at 96kHz. Moving this project to a laptop, or setup that does not support the original projects sample rate, will commonly result in the wrong playback speed of the audio files. The realtime software sample rate conversion facility will counteract this effect, allowing correct playback of the project on the laptop, at any sample rate. You can start a Logic project in the studio continue on your laptop and return with the new material to the studio.

Note: Using higher audio sample rates often increases CPU load significantly.

Plug-Ins Enhancements

New ”I/O” plug-in
The new I/O insert plug-in (helper submenu), available in m/m, m/s and s/s versions, allows you to insert external effect processors into the Logic mixer.

Note: This only makes sense with audio cards that have more than two outputs, thus providing discrete inputs and outputs (analog and/or digital) for sending signals to/from the external effect processor.

The I/O plug-in offers assignment pop-up menus by which it can access the input/outputs provided by your audio hardware. In and output levels can be adjusted with the respective volume sliders.

Plug-in sample rates
All Logic plug-ins now support sample rates from 11kHz to 200kHz.

Plug-in Settings menu additions
This is the pop-up menu (down-arrow) next to the Bypass button in each plug-in window.

Two new entries now appear in the plug-in Settings menu: Next Setting and Previous Setting. Using the Previous and Next Setting command you can sequentially step through existing settings in the menu.

Tip: Key commands can be assigned to perform this function. Options > Preferences > Key Commands ... > (search for “plug-in”)

Changing Parameter Values
Incrementing/Decrementing parameter values using the mouse scroll-wheel (Win), +/- keys (Mac and Win).

In the open plug-in window click on the parameter, now you can turn the mouse scroll-wheel (“+” or “-“ keys on the Mac) to change the respective value.

Modulation Delay
The 001011 view offer three new parameters: “Speed LFO 1 R“, “Speed LFO 2 R“ and “Stereo“. These parameters allow independant modulation rates settings for LFO1 and 2 for the right stereo channel. For this to function “Stereo” has to be set to “Free”. With “Stereo” set to “Link” modulation rates of the left and right stereo channels are and rates are set by the LFO controls of the plug-in window only. In this case the parameters “Speed LFO 1 R“ and “Speed LFO 2 R dont have a function.

Stereo Delay
Phase buttons added for feedback and crossfeed options in 001011 view. Options are: Normal and Inv(erse).

Plug-in Settings Handling
Using the same channel and insert slot it is now possible to change a mono version of an effect plug-in to a stereo version of the same plug-in (or vice versa) without loosing any parameter edits in the process. Any parameter edits will be transferred.

Track Mixer Enhancements and Changes

In global mode, a double-click on the background of a channel will insert a new (corresponding) track into the current Arrange window, provided that no corresponding track already exists.

OPTION-clicking (Mac) or CTRL (Win) on the Mute button of an audio object will mute the corresponding Arrange window track, but will NOT mute the audio object. A second OPTION-click/CTRL-click will un-mute the track.

Double-clicking on the Output or Send of a channel will ”jump” to the respective Output/Bus object in the Track Mixer. If the current Track Mixer view does not contain the Output or Bus object, the Global display mode will automatically be enabled. The appropriate view filter Output/Bus will also be enabled, ensuring that the selected object type is visible.

New track view option - ”Same Instrument Tracks” in Track-View. If enabled, identical Arrange window tracks are also displayed in the Track Mixer. These tracks have redundant settings for volume, pan etc., so it is usually unnecessary to display more than one. The mute settings, however, may be different for each track.

Track Automation Enhancements

External MIDI Control
It is now possible to integrate external MIDI controller (Modulation Wheel etc.) into Logics automation system and record external MIDI information as Track Automation data.

This can be done with the Transformer environment object and a new mode in the Transformer window: ”Track Automation Splitter”. If the condition matches, incoming events will be sent to the Track Automation of the object connected to the top cable of the Transformer after passing through the “Operation” field. With the appropriate “Operation” field settings incoming MIDI data is transformed into Fader event data allowing the automation of any possible parameter of the connected mixer object. Exception: Channel volume and channel pan uses Control events.

You will need one Transformer object for each parameter that you wish to address and automate.

Example: Control and automate the ESP filter cutoff using an external modulation wheel (CC#1)
Minimal environment setup: In the Logic Environment create a Transformer object with “New > Transformer”. Connect the "Physical Input" with the Transformer object. Connect the top output cable of the transformer to an instrument channel object with the ESP-Synthesizer inserted in the instrument slot. Connect the second output of the Transformer to the "Recording & Throu(gh)" object (sequencer input). Open the transformer parameter box by double clicking the transformer object. In the flip menu select ”Track Automation Splitter” as the transformer mode. As the input condition set: | Status: Control | Cha: All | -1-: 1 |. As the output operation set the event type to: | Status: Fader | Cha: 2 | -1-: 7 |.

In this setup the modulation wheel will control the ESP filter cutoff of the respective instrument. Modulation Wheel movements can be automated using the usual automation modes (read, write, touch, latch).

(For more information on Environment programming consult your Logic User Manual.)

The content of folders is now checked for tracks with automation data, when moving a folder. If automation data exists, this will also be moved (dependent on the status of Track Automation Settings: Options > Track automation > Track Automation Settings).

New Key Commands
There are several new key commands for the track automation system: Options > Preferences > Key Commands > ... (search for Automation).

Limiting Automation Write Options
The recording of automation can be limited to certain types (Vol, Pan, Mute, Send, Plug-in) in all write modes (Latch, Touch, Write). Filter buttons for each are found in the Options > Track Automation > Track Automation Settings window.

Track Instruments in the Arrange window
If the instrument of an Arrange track is changed, Logic will check for existing automation data. If automation data is found, the following alert message will be displayed: ”There is automation data for the previous instrument. Do you want to move or copy the automation data to the new instrument? [No|Copy|Move]”

If either ”copy” or ”move” is selected, Logic will check if any automation data exists for the destination instrument, and will replace this automation data. Non-conflicting data is automatically merged.

Converting automation data
It is possible to copy and convert the automation from one parameter to another:

In the automation view click while pressing COMMAND (Mac) or CTRL (Win) on an automated parameter. This will activate the parameter flip-menu.
Using the flip-menu select a destination parameter.
A dialog will ask you to “convert” or “copy & convert” the automation data of the original parameter into automation data of the destination parameter. Using “copy & convert” the data of the original parameter will be kept in addition to the destination parameter.

Solo can now be automated. Solo automation is disabled by default. (Options > Track Automation > Track Automation Settings)

Now recording (or inserting) the first mute change behaves as expected i.e. the initial mute state is kept.

Score Editor

Chord Symbol Language
You can now choose between the following languages in the Layout > Global Layout page:

International: default, as in previous versions
German1: B->”H”, Bb->”B” (previous ”German Chord Symbols” mode)
German2: B->”H”, Bb->”Bb”
German3: C# -> ”Cis”, Eb -> ”Es” etc...
Roman: CDEFGAB -> Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti


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Message 11/27             06-Aug-02  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


Posts: 151

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Just the rest of that info:

In all Chord Symbol Language formats, the current format is also accepted for the input of new chords. The ”#”, ”b”, ”x” and ”bb” characters are also active in the German3 mode, allowing for quick entry. In the Roman format, the second root string character can be omitted, e.g. typing ”D7” or ”Do7” in roman mode will both result in ”Do 7”. Changing the Chord Language will automatically affect all chord symbols in the song. It is not possible to mix chord languages.

General Improvements & Changes

Song Settings and Preferences menu changes
Global program preferences and song specific settings have now been separated into two discrete areas. These are accessible via the Options > Song Settings and Options > Preferences menus. Previously these settings were located under the menu Options > Settings.

All items in the Song Settings submenu are saved with the song. All items in the Preferences submenu are saved with the Logic preferences in the system folder and globally affect all songs.

The Control Surfaces submenu is now found in Options > Preferences.

Metronome Settings dialog and the “Klopfgeist” Software Instrument
Options > Song Settings > Metronome Settings ... or a long click on the metronome icon in the transport window opens a new settings dialog window for the Metronome. This window combine all the settings of the MIDI Click environment object plus the metronome settings found in the song preference dialog 'Recording Options'. In addition the Metronome dialog features a virtual metronome instrument called "Klopfgeist". It can be used in addition or in place of the speaker click or the MIDI click and offers the same beat tapping functionality.

The “Tonality” parameter changes the sound of the virtual metronome from a short click to a pitched percussion sound similar to a Wood Block or Claves.

„Volume“ adjusts the overall sound level of the virtual click sound. „Output“ (assignment): Provided the audio hardware used by Logic offers more than 2 outputs this field allows the routing of the “Klopfgeist” metronome sound to a different set of hardware outputs.

Note: “Klopfgeist” is a software instrument found in the plug-in menu: Mono. For “Klopfgeist” to be available as a metronome sound source it needs to be inserted on instrument channel #64. Logic will automatically create an instrument channel #64 with an inserted “Klopfgeist” when necessary. Theoretically any other Emagic or VST2.0 instrument could be deployed as a metronome sound source using instrument channel 64.

Compared to the Metronome window the“Klopfgeist” plug-in window offers a few additional sound parameters. There is a parameter for tuning the instrument in “Semitones” and one for fine tuning (Detune) in cent. “Level Via Vel” determines the velocity sensitivity of Klopfgeist. “NoteOffDamp” controls the release time. The shortest release time is reached with “NoteOffDamp” at its maximum (1.00). “Klopfgeist” can operate as a monophonic (Mode: mono) or polyphonic 4-voice instrument (Mode: poly). The “Tonality” parameter is the same as in the Metronome dialog (see above).

Reference: A “Klopfgeist” is a little ghostly fellow, in this case German, who unlike his big brother “Poltergeist” restricts himself to producing knocking and tapping sounds. (Rest assured, audio instrument #64 is fitted with a Ghost Buster facility the button labeled “M”.)

Mute Tool for Matrix and Event List Editor
The Matrix and Event List editor now feature a Mute Tool allowing to mute specific notes in a sequence. With the Mute Tool clicking on a note will mute/un-mute it. Muted notes appear grayed out.

With the Mute Tool clicking on a piano key to the left of the Matrix Editor will mute/un-mute all notes of that particular pitch.

With the Mute Tool click and drag on the background to perform a rubber band selection of multiple notes. Clicking on one of the selected notes will mute/un-mute all selected notes.

Tip: Hold down SHIFT to create non-consecutive selections.

The command Edit > "Select Muted Objects" is now available in the Matrix and Event List editor. It allows the selection of all muted notes in a sequence.

Matrix Color Setup
The colors of the Matrix window grid, background, lines etc. can be adjusted for both the ”White”, and ”Black” Background views. This facility was added to enhance visibility in the Matrix window, particularly when working at high resolutions.

Select View > Matrix Color Setup to launch the window. Individual elements are listed, and can be adjusted with the mouse. Simply click on any element to activate/deactivate it, or to launch the system color palette.

Event Editor edit release velocity
Logic is now able to edit release velocity in the Event editor. To view release velocity data, enable the ”001011” view filter button to the left of the event list.

New MMC Options
If MIDI Machine Control is enabled, dragging the song position line will send ”MMC Locate” commands continuously, until the mouse button is released.

Several new MMC options have been included in the Options > Song settings > Synchronization Settings...> MIDI (panel).

These (self-explanatory ) options include:
MMC Output ID
Transmit MMC Locate commands when pressing Stop twice
Transmit MMC Locate commands when dragging objects (in sequencer stop mode)
Transmit MMC Record enables commands for audio tracks (receive as well)

Record Pre-roll (sec)
Options > Song Settings > Recording Options (or Metronome Settings). If 'Record Pre-roll' is disabled the count-in (in bars and beat values) set by the flip-menu is active. If Record Pre-Roll' is enabled an absolute record pre-roll can be entered in seconds instead.

Changed display of Pan and Mute
Compared to Version 5.1 and earlier Pan and Mute are displayed in an inverse orientation for HyperDraw and the small fader in the arrange window. Now PAN left is up and Pan right is down likewise un- muted is up and mute is down.

New Rex file import option
When importing audio files as Rex files “Render into single file” writes all ReCycle slices into a single audio file using the current Logic song tempo for the rendering process.

Multi processor compatibility
The audio engine will detect and automatically inform you about plug-ins that may have problems running on the second CPU, thus preventing a potential crash.

QuickTime Music Synthesizer
Logic supports the QT Music Synthesizer of Quicktime version 6. In the environment connect a Multi Instrument object with the Quicktime Synth object to integrate it into Logic.

Software Instrument Changes, new Features

EVD6 Software Instrument Support
Logic 5.2 now supports the EVD6 Clavinet software instrument plug-in. This new instrument emulates the Hohner D6. As with other Emagic software instruments, you may test these instruments without limitations for a period of time. To do so, simply activate the demo period in the XSKey Authorization window.

Settings Handling
Using the same instrument channel it is now possible to change a software instrument to a multiple output version of the same instrument plug-in (or vice versa) without loosing any parameter edits in the process. Any parameter edits will be transferred.

ES2 Enhancements

The Pitch Bend maximum range has been extended to 36 semitones.

The ES2 now reacts to poly pressure (polyphonic aftertouch). If ”Touch” or ”Whl+To” is selected as a router Source or Via option, the sum of channel pressure and the note-specific poly pressure value is used.

There are two new router Sources/Vias available: NoteOnRandom1/2 (”RndNO1” and ”RndNO2”). NoteOnRandom1 is a random modulation value between -1.0 and 1.0 (same range as an LFO), that changes when a note is triggered or re-triggered (thus no value change when playing legato, while in legato mode). This (random) note-on modulation remains constant throughout the duration of the note until the next trigger.

NoteOnRandom2 behaves like NoteOnRandom1 with the exception that it glides to the new random value using the GlideTime (incl. modulation). It also differs from NoteOnRandom1 in that the (random modulation) value changes when playing legato, while in legato mode.

New router targets: OSCWavB/Osc1WavB/Osc2WavB/Osc3WavB offering oscillator specific modulations with changed modulation properties compared to Osc*Wav.

OscWaveB - behaves as Osc1WavB/Osc2WavB/Osc3WavB but applies to all oscillators (much like Pitch123).

DigiWaves: In previous ES2 versions there was a smooth transition if wavetable modulation is active for a DigiWave using Osc*Wav. Setting up the same modulation but using Osc*WavB will make the transition ”harder” as modulation values are increased.

FM (Osc1): The maximum FM intensity was quite limited. Using the new target Osc1WavB, rather than Osc1Wave, allows really extreme modulations.

EVP88 Enhancements

Now supports all song sample rates.
The ”Expression” MIDI controller now scales output level.

EXS24 Enhancements

Multiple Outputs
The EXS24 now offers 5 stereo pairs and 6 individual mono outputs. The first 10 EXS24 outputs are always configured as stereo pairs. Outputs 11 through 16 are mono outputs.

The “Main” output pair (1-2) of the EXS24 is assigned to its instrument channel. Additional outputs starting with output 3 are accessed via the new Aux channels. Please refer to the paragraph on Aux channels above.

Individual output assignments may be set for groups, or zones, within an EXS24 instrument. If zones are assigned to their individual outputs, any existing group outputs for the zones will be ignored. All output assignments are stored with the EXS24 Sampler Instrument.

If the EXS24 is inserted as a regular (not multi channel) mono or stereo plug-in, all multiple output assignments stored with a Sampler Instrument are automatically routed to the main stereo output pair, or mono output, respectively.

Instrument menu additions
Now two new entries appear in the Instrument menu: Next Instrument and Previous Instrument. Using the Previous and Next Instrument command you can sequentially step through existing Instruments in the menu.

Tip: Key commands can be assigned to perform this function. Options > Preferences > Key Commands ... > (search for “instrument”)

New Recycle Convert Options
There is a new Recycle convert function which allows to use 'old school' sample trigger techniques. Menu: Audio > EXS24 Instrument Editor > Instrument > Recycle Convert.

- Slice Loop and make new Instrument
- Slice Loop and add samples to current Instrument

The first option creates a new EXS24 sample instrument while the second option adds the zones with their samples to the currently active EXS24 sample instrument.

Function: Using the Recycle slices the EXS24 first renders one single audio file which equals the whole Recycle loop played back at the current Logic song tempo. Instead of importing and playing back a single discrete Recycle slice, each zone will play back the Recycle loop to its very end starting with the slice points original assigned to the respective zone. That means the lowest zone will play back the entire loop while the highest zone plays the last slice of the loop only. With this option the EXS24 allows for loop trigger techniques often used in 'old school' Drum'n'Bass tracks. This way the sample loop start point is determined by playing the respective notes on the keyboard.

Gigasampler File Format Import
The EXS24 can now import files stored in the Gigasampler format (.gig). This function is found in the 'Options' menu of the EXS24. Tip: In order to playback long audio files, the EXS24 Virtual Sample Memory extension should be installed.

Logic Control Changes

Note: The following button pushes refer to the Logic control surface.

Pressing SHIFT+MUTE button while EQ, SEND, PLUG-IN or Instrument button is activated, toggles Bypass of the current EQ, Send, Plug-In or Instrument. For Plug-ins this function works in Multi Channel and Channel Strip View for EQ, Send and Instruments this works only in Multi Channel View.

Track Channel Strip View:
SHIFT + MUTE 1 or SHIFT + MUTE 2 toggles track mute
SHIFT + MUTE 3 or SHIFT + V-Select 3 toggles instrument mute
SHIFT + MUTE 4 or SHIFT + V-Select 4 toggles plug-in insert 1 bypass
SHIFT + MUTE 5 or SHIFT + V-Select 5 toggles plug-in insert 2 bypass
SHIFT + MUTE 6 or SHIFT + V-Select 6 toggles Send 1 Mute
SHIFT + MUTE 7 or SHIFT + V-Select 7 toggles Send 2 Mute
SHIFT + MUTE 8 or SHIFT + V-Select 8 toggles Send 3 Mute

Pressing OPTION+SELECT 1 ... 8 creates a new track of the same type and number and switches to the Extended Track View.

SHIFT+OPTION+SELECT 1 ... 8 creates a new track of the same type and the following track number and switches to the Extended Track View.

CMD/ALT + F1 equals "Cut" key command
CMD/ALT + F2 equals "Copy" key command
CMD/ALT + F3 equals "Paste" key command
CMD/ALT + F4 equals "Clear" key command
CMD/ALT + F5 equals "Select All" key command
CMD/ALT + F6 equals "Select All Following" key command
CMD/ALT + F7 equals "Select Similar Objects" key command
CMD/ALT + F8 equals "Select Inside Locators" key command

Note: Logic will now create a separate ”Control Surface Plug-ins” folder inside the Logic folder for each new version number i.e. for Logic 5.2.0 it is now ”Control Surface Plug-ins 5.2.0”. The new naming convention allows to place different Logic software versions together in one folder while ensuring that each Logic version will load its compatible control surface plug-in. (Logic version 5.1.0 loads its Logic Control module from the original ”Control Surface Plug-ins” folder.)

Looks pretty good.......

I look forward to the clavinet!

Bedwyr are you sticking with logic for the time being or are your jumping ship to SX or Sonar?



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Message 12/27             06-Aug-02  @  01:06 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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Just the rest of that info:

In all Chord Symbol Language formats, the current format is also accepted for the input of new chords. The ”#”, ”b”, ”x” and ”bb” characters are also active in the German3 mode, allowing for quick entry. In the Roman format, the second root string character can be omitted, e.g. typing ”D7” or ”Do7” in roman mode will both result in ”Do 7”. Changing the Chord Language will automatically affect all chord symbols in the song. It is not possible to mix chord languages.

General Improvements & Changes

Song Settings and Preferences menu changes
Global program preferences and song specific settings have now been separated into two discrete areas. These are accessible via the Options > Song Settings and Options > Preferences menus. Previously these settings were located under the menu Options > Settings.

All items in the Song Settings submenu are saved with the song. All items in the Preferences submenu are saved with the Logic preferences in the system folder and globally affect all songs.

The Control Surfaces submenu is now found in Options > Preferences.

Metronome Settings dialog and the “Klopfgeist” Software Instrument
Options > Song Settings > Metronome Settings ... or a long click on the metronome icon in the transport window opens a new settings dialog window for the Metronome. This window combine all the settings of the MIDI Click environment object plus the metronome settings found in the song preference dialog 'Recording Options'. In addition the Metronome dialog features a virtual metronome instrument called "Klopfgeist". It can be used in addition or in place of the speaker click or the MIDI click and offers the same beat tapping functionality.

The “Tonality” parameter changes the sound of the virtual metronome from a short click to a pitched percussion sound similar to a Wood Block or Claves.

„Volume“ adjusts the overall sound level of the virtual click sound. „Output“ (assignment): Provided the audio hardware used by Logic offers more than 2 outputs this field allows the routing of the “Klopfgeist” metronome sound to a different set of hardware outputs.

Note: “Klopfgeist” is a software instrument found in the plug-in menu: Mono. For “Klopfgeist” to be available as a metronome sound source it needs to be inserted on instrument channel #64. Logic will automatically create an instrument channel #64 with an inserted “Klopfgeist” when necessary. Theoretically any other Emagic or VST2.0 instrument could be deployed as a metronome sound source using instrument channel 64.

Compared to the Metronome window the“Klopfgeist” plug-in window offers a few additional sound parameters. There is a parameter for tuning the instrument in “Semitones” and one for fine tuning (Detune) in cent. “Level Via Vel” determines the velocity sensitivity of Klopfgeist. “NoteOffDamp” controls the release time. The shortest release time is reached with “NoteOffDamp” at its maximum (1.00). “Klopfgeist” can operate as a monophonic (Mode: mono) or polyphonic 4-voice instrument (Mode: poly). The “Tonality” parameter is the same as in the Metronome dialog (see above).

Reference: A “Klopfgeist” is a little ghostly fellow, in this case German, who unlike his big brother “Poltergeist” restricts himself to producing knocking and tapping sounds. (Rest assured, audio instrument #64 is fitted with a Ghost Buster facility the button labeled “M”.)

Mute Tool for Matrix and Event List Editor
The Matrix and Event List editor now feature a Mute Tool allowing to mute specific notes in a sequence. With the Mute Tool clicking on a note will mute/un-mute it. Muted notes appear grayed out.

With the Mute Tool clicking on a piano key to the left of the Matrix Editor will mute/un-mute all notes of that particular pitch.

With the Mute Tool click and drag on the background to perform a rubber band selection of multiple notes. Clicking on one of the selected notes will mute/un-mute all selected notes.

Tip: Hold down SHIFT to create non-consecutive selections.

The command Edit > "Select Muted Objects" is now available in the Matrix and Event List editor. It allows the selection of all muted notes in a sequence.

Matrix Color Setup
The colors of the Matrix window grid, background, lines etc. can be adjusted for both the ”White”, and ”Black” Background views. This facility was added to enhance visibility in the Matrix window, particularly when working at high resolutions.

Select View > Matrix Color Setup to launch the window. Individual elements are listed, and can be adjusted with the mouse. Simply click on any element to activate/deactivate it, or to launch the system color palette.

Event Editor edit release velocity
Logic is now able to edit release velocity in the Event editor. To view release velocity data, enable the ”001011” view filter button to the left of the event list.

New MMC Options
If MIDI Machine Control is enabled, dragging the song position line will send ”MMC Locate” commands continuously, until the mouse button is released.

Several new MMC options have been included in the Options > Song settings > Synchronization Settings...> MIDI (panel).

These (self-explanatory ) options include:
MMC Output ID
Transmit MMC Locate commands when pressing Stop twice
Transmit MMC Locate commands when dragging objects (in sequencer stop mode)
Transmit MMC Record enables commands for audio tracks (receive as well)

Record Pre-roll (sec)
Options > Song Settings > Recording Options (or Metronome Settings). If 'Record Pre-roll' is disabled the count-in (in bars and beat values) set by the flip-menu is active. If Record Pre-Roll' is enabled an absolute record pre-roll can be entered in seconds instead.

Changed display of Pan and Mute
Compared to Version 5.1 and earlier Pan and Mute are displayed in an inverse orientation for HyperDraw and the small fader in the arrange window. Now PAN left is up and Pan right is down likewise un- muted is up and mute is down.

New Rex file import option
When importing audio files as Rex files “Render into single file” writes all ReCycle slices into a single audio file using the current Logic song tempo for the rendering process.

Multi processor compatibility
The audio engine will detect and automatically inform you about plug-ins that may have problems running on the second CPU, thus preventing a potential crash.

QuickTime Music Synthesizer
Logic supports the QT Music Synthesizer of Quicktime version 6. In the environment connect a Multi Instrument object with the Quicktime Synth object to integrate it into Logic.

Software Instrument Changes, new Features

EVD6 Software Instrument Support
Logic 5.2 now supports the EVD6 Clavinet software instrument plug-in. This new instrument emulates the Hohner D6. As with other Emagic software instruments, you may test these instruments without limitations for a period of time. To do so, simply activate the demo period in the XSKey Authorization window.

Settings Handling
Using the same instrument channel it is now possible to change a software instrument to a multiple output version of the same instrument plug-in (or vice versa) without loosing any parameter edits in the process. Any parameter edits will be transferred.

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Message 13/27             06-Aug-02  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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ES2 Enhancements

The Pitch Bend maximum range has been extended to 36 semitones.

The ES2 now reacts to poly pressure (polyphonic aftertouch). If ”Touch” or ”Whl+To” is selected as a router Source or Via option, the sum of channel pressure and the note-specific poly pressure value is used.

There are two new router Sources/Vias available: NoteOnRandom1/2 (”RndNO1” and ”RndNO2”). NoteOnRandom1 is a random modulation value between -1.0 and 1.0 (same range as an LFO), that changes when a note is triggered or re-triggered (thus no value change when playing legato, while in legato mode). This (random) note-on modulation remains constant throughout the duration of the note until the next trigger.

NoteOnRandom2 behaves like NoteOnRandom1 with the exception that it glides to the new random value using the GlideTime (incl. modulation). It also differs from NoteOnRandom1 in that the (random modulation) value changes when playing legato, while in legato mode.

New router targets: OSCWavB/Osc1WavB/Osc2WavB/Osc3WavB offering oscillator specific modulations with changed modulation properties compared to Osc*Wav.

OscWaveB - behaves as Osc1WavB/Osc2WavB/Osc3WavB but applies to all oscillators (much like Pitch123).

DigiWaves: In previous ES2 versions there was a smooth transition if wavetable modulation is active for a DigiWave using Osc*Wav. Setting up the same modulation but using Osc*WavB will make the transition ”harder” as modulation values are increased.

FM (Osc1): The maximum FM intensity was quite limited. Using the new target Osc1WavB, rather than Osc1Wave, allows really extreme modulations.

EVP88 Enhancements

Now supports all song sample rates.
The ”Expression” MIDI controller now scales output level.

EXS24 Enhancements

Multiple Outputs
The EXS24 now offers 5 stereo pairs and 6 individual mono outputs. The first 10 EXS24 outputs are always configured as stereo pairs. Outputs 11 through 16 are mono outputs.

The “Main” output pair (1-2) of the EXS24 is assigned to its instrument channel. Additional outputs starting with output 3 are accessed via the new Aux channels. Please refer to the paragraph on Aux channels above.

Individual output assignments may be set for groups, or zones, within an EXS24 instrument. If zones are assigned to their individual outputs, any existing group outputs for the zones will be ignored. All output assignments are stored with the EXS24 Sampler Instrument.

If the EXS24 is inserted as a regular (not multi channel) mono or stereo plug-in, all multiple output assignments stored with a Sampler Instrument are automatically routed to the main stereo output pair, or mono output, respectively.

Instrument menu additions
Now two new entries appear in the Instrument menu: Next Instrument and Previous Instrument. Using the Previous and Next Instrument command you can sequentially step through existing Instruments in the menu.

Tip: Key commands can be assigned to perform this function. Options > Preferences > Key Commands ... > (search for “instrument”)

New Recycle Convert Options
There is a new Recycle convert function which allows to use 'old school' sample trigger techniques. Menu: Audio > EXS24 Instrument Editor > Instrument > Recycle Convert.

- Slice Loop and make new Instrument
- Slice Loop and add samples to current Instrument

The first option creates a new EXS24 sample instrument while the second option adds the zones with their samples to the currently active EXS24 sample instrument.

Function: Using the Recycle slices the EXS24 first renders one single audio file which equals the whole Recycle loop played back at the current Logic song tempo. Instead of importing and playing back a single discrete Recycle slice, each zone will play back the Recycle loop to its very end starting with the slice points original assigned to the respective zone. That means the lowest zone will play back the entire loop while the highest zone plays the last slice of the loop only. With this option the EXS24 allows for loop trigger techniques often used in 'old school' Drum'n'Bass tracks. This way the sample loop start point is determined by playing the respective notes on the keyboard.

Gigasampler File Format Import
The EXS24 can now import files stored in the Gigasampler format (.gig). This function is found in the 'Options' menu of the EXS24. Tip: In order to playback long audio files, the EXS24 Virtual Sample Memory extension should be installed.

Logic Control Changes

Note: The following button pushes refer to the Logic control surface.

Pressing SHIFT+MUTE button while EQ, SEND, PLUG-IN or Instrument button is activated, toggles Bypass of the current EQ, Send, Plug-In or Instrument. For Plug-ins this function works in Multi Channel and Channel Strip View for EQ, Send and Instruments this works only in Multi Channel View.

Track Channel Strip View:
SHIFT + MUTE 1 or SHIFT + MUTE 2 toggles track mute
SHIFT + MUTE 3 or SHIFT + V-Select 3 toggles instrument mute
SHIFT + MUTE 4 or SHIFT + V-Select 4 toggles plug-in insert 1 bypass
SHIFT + MUTE 5 or SHIFT + V-Select 5 toggles plug-in insert 2 bypass
SHIFT + MUTE 6 or SHIFT + V-Select 6 toggles Send 1 Mute
SHIFT + MUTE 7 or SHIFT + V-Select 7 toggles Send 2 Mute
SHIFT + MUTE 8 or SHIFT + V-Select 8 toggles Send 3 Mute

Pressing OPTION+SELECT 1 ... 8 creates a new track of the same type and number and switches to the Extended Track View.

SHIFT+OPTION+SELECT 1 ... 8 creates a new track of the same type and the following track number and switches to the Extended Track View.

CMD/ALT + F1 equals "Cut" key command
CMD/ALT + F2 equals "Copy" key command
CMD/ALT + F3 equals "Paste" key command
CMD/ALT + F4 equals "Clear" key command
CMD/ALT + F5 equals "Select All" key command
CMD/ALT + F6 equals "Select All Following" key command
CMD/ALT + F7 equals "Select Similar Objects" key command
CMD/ALT + F8 equals "Select Inside Locators" key command

Note: Logic will now create a separate ”Control Surface Plug-ins” folder inside the Logic folder for each new version number i.e. for Logic 5.2.0 it is now ”Control Surface Plug-ins 5.2.0”. The new naming convention allows to place different Logic software versions together in one folder while ensuring that each Logic version will load its compatible control surface plug-in. (Logic version 5.1.0 loads its Logic Control module from the original ”Control Surface Plug-ins” folder.)

Looks pretty good.......

I look forward to the clavinet!

Bedwyr are you sticking with logic for the time being or are your jumping ship to SX or Sonar?



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Message 14/27             06-Aug-02  @  01:10 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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OOPs sorry for the mulit posts!


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Message 15/27             06-Aug-02  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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you can delete them if you press the "edit" button. might be a good idea even.

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Message 16/27             06-Aug-02  @  02:18 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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hehe, i haven't read all that yet, but i'm sticking with logic for the forseeable future, i just think it's more than enough, even if there's a new vst standard that comes out you'll still have a wealth of plugins and instruments available.

i'll just keep upgrading my computer until i've got 2 big thin screens, loads of memory and a super fast processor, logic isn't and won't be a problem for a long while.

i just wish someone (waves) would do vst or dx versions of all the old compressors and eq, like pro tools or that uad1 card.

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Message 17/27             06-Aug-02  @  02:27 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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well i just skimmed through and someone please tell me what more could you want? (if it all works of course)

sx is still ugly as hell and i only ever liked the midi side of cubase, when i got a computer that could handle audio, i went for logic. sonar is ugly too, i just don't want to spend my day looking at shit on screen.

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Message 18/27             06-Aug-02  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced



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I can tell you one thing (dunno if it IS in that list, I didn't see it)

I wanted Logic to sort out it's BOUNCE function so like vst it doesnt do it in realtime. The whole point of rendering down is that it should happen faster than playback speed, AND when a song reaches max-out for actual asio audio playback, rendering should BYPASS the asio driver and process the render as a computation without beoing heard... as it is now, rendering doesnt allow you to make use of the PC's computational power as it is STILL tied to the bloody audio OUT driver


pointless, and i can't see why they do it like that.

Is that to change?.. I hope so!

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Message 19/27             06-Aug-02  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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Just seen that the v5.2 updater is availble at last!

Whilst I was waiting for the download I read through the old pdf emagic posted regarding v5 when it was supposed to be released in Sept 2001. Looks like all the features in v5.2 were just about planned for the original initial v5.0 release. Only 1 year late then EMagic!

This cheers me up at least, originaly I bought my v5 upgrade to get those features advertised on that original pdf. Now we are about to get them.

Unfortunately no news of an improved rewire implementation. However like I said I'm pretty much happy about the cost of my upgrade to v5 and what I'm getting in v5.2.

K - am scanning through looking for some info on the bounce but I can't see anything although there is a feature to bounce a track down destructively with all the fx etc at a faster speed.

Although.... If v5.3 comes out with something really special (can't think of what though, maybe decent audio editing, rewire v2 etc... Maybe I will get myself a 2nd hand mac....



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Message 20/27             06-Aug-02  @  05:41 PM     Edit: 06-Aug-02  |  05:45 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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yeah i want it to bounce to the next available audio track as well, fat chance.

but i think this is what k is on about stvy -

"although there is a feature to bounce a track down destructively with all the fx etc at a faster speed."

that's just great - i absolutely hate bouncing down the final stereo, for fuck's sake i don't want to listen to the bastard thing AGAIN!

no mention of the b3 vsti tho? still, native have that one covered.

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Message 21/27             06-Aug-02  @  06:53 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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Yeah no mention of the b3, but like you say I can't see how it can be better than the b4. So i'm glad they released the clavinet instead with v5.2

Just been playing back some existing tracks of mine trying to get a multiple out VSTi going. Not managed it yet! Got to get my head round it! BTW Kontakat does not seem to show up as a multiple out capable VSTi. I'm running v1.01.015 of kontakt, hmm...

K have you managed it with the latest Kontakt version?

Reaktor v3.0.5 does though and of course so does the EXS24. Thats it though.. Non of the other logic instruments are multi out capable - only the EXS24.

But I have noticed less audio spikes and maybe a bit lower CPU usage with the same track.

Tried monitoring with effects on a record armed track and it introduces a nasty bit of latency. Sounds about 10ms!!!! Fuck thats even with my RME Hammerfall set at 1.5ms latency... Great feature emaigc!

Looks good though if I can't get those multi outs going, arghhh!!!!



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Message 22/27             06-Aug-02  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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what fx were you using though stvy? i think i'd only want it for reverb (maybe delay) for vocals and sax and things. i don't think 10ms would matter for a reverb.

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Message 23/27             06-Aug-02  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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Well I've tried it with a compressor, and a bit of reverb on a guitar input, and on the ES2, also tried it with spectral delay!

Now the problem is especially for guitar playing 10ms is really a little bit too much, not that I'm Eddie van Halen or anything (although I can do a very good Nile Rogers - even if I do say so myself!)

Btw thats 10ms ontop of what I get anyway which is 1.5ms from the 01v 1.5ms from the RME Hammerfall and then back out.. Adds upto about 6ms in total so that added 10ms really messes me up.

Good to see that someone else can't get the aux sends working for the VSTi mulit outs too!



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Message 24/27             06-Aug-02  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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so the reverb only works on inputs as an inserts? i was thinking using it as a send. there is always that workaround that k posted while ago.

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Message 25/27             08-Aug-02  @  12:53 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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big question is - milan, bedwyr.. does 5.2 open up my synthedit vsti with patches in saved songs still?  

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Message 26/27             08-Aug-02  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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well if 5.1 did, why wouldnt this one?

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Message 27/27             08-Aug-02  @  08:24 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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ha you obviously know nothing of emagic.

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