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Subject: midiman 2496 problem

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Jan-03  @  09:33 AM   -   midiman 2496 problem


Posts: 14

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Hey guys, I'm in big trouble here. It's my new Audiophile 2496. I'll describe how it went...

I got a P4/2Ghz, 512 DDR, and a Gigabyte GA-8IG motherboard (845 chipset). Besides the Audiophile I have only the network and the graphics card in my computer. I run Win2K with SP3, but the same problem persists on XP. So, I installed the card on the mobo, booted the OS, it found the soundcard, I installed the drivers, I haven't tried playing anything but the mixer was working and I could access the audiophile control panel.

Ok, destiny wanted that I uninstall the drivers and install them again (don't ask why), and from here my card doesn't work anymore. The OS doesn't even detect it, it detects it as unknown pci device. I tried switching PCI slots, taking away the network card, I tried stuff in BIOS, and nothing. Yesterday I freshly installed XP on a new HDD and I thought maybe it will detect now as the OS is clean and new, and the disk formatted... nothing. It detected it once after 10 attempts, found the drivers, everything perfect, and at the end of the driver installation said that he can't startup the hardware. So nothing again. I would think about returning the card IF it didn't work fine the first time and I was actually fiddling with the audiophile control panel and I heard some loud hiss because I got something wrong with the setup, but still, there was sound output from the card (damn! haven't played any music before uninstaling). Now the control panel doesn't work anymore... nothing works anymore.

Please help, I'm desperate.

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Message 21/27             20-Jan-03  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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I tried it on 3 different pc's and it always gets detected as PCI Device, and after I install the drivers manually it remains with a yellow exclamation mark in the device manager. Always the same... different computers, different OS's, and on mine I freshly reinstalled XP for 3 times and I really tried everything. No luck for me... I'm taking it back if they want it back without the bill...  

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Message 22/27             20-Jan-03  @  01:17 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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check the pcware section tips & tricks link - I added some stuff & a link about installing xp/2k in different configs - there's a link to a discussion on another forum which is useful, and the other entry is a MS page about it.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 23/27             20-Jan-03  @  06:07 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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Tnx k ... what tells me that I somehow burned the soundcard (dunno how, I installed various cards a thousand times and I'm not new with hardware) is the fact that when I first installed it worked. And now it doesn't work anymore... on 3 different pc's that is.

I called the store where I took it and they said the bill's no problem and that they have serial numbers of product they sell, to it's ok, they'll replace it. Lucky me, phew... I can't fckn wait for this soundcard after all I've been thru...  

And yeah, tnx for all the useful feedback. Maybe not in the particular case, but it could be useful for someone else.

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Message 24/27             12-Feb-03  @  08:49 AM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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I just wanted to say that this story finally finished well. That card was faulty, I finally returned it (without a bill!!! big up to the guys at the store) and they gave me a new one. I put it in a PCI slot, turned on the computer, XP found the card, it installed the drivers from the cd and it just took off without rebooting (it took me 2 minutes to complete everything, compare that to 4 days of going crazy with the faulty card). The soundcard is kicking ass!

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Message 25/27             12-Feb-03  @  10:09 AM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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hehe wicked! so... we gonna make some music now or what?  

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Message 26/27             12-Feb-03  @  03:30 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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Oh I would say that we're gonna produce some fine a$$ beats & breaks. Everybody, watch out!  

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Message 27/27             13-Feb-03  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem

Bit Crusher

Posts: 38

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I had to remove oem.inf and pnf files to get my dirvers to work one time. Dont just randomly start removing these files if its not a clean install. Back them up and then mess around. If you remove those then windows doesnt know where to look for the drivers and it wont automagically install the broken ones.

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