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Subject: Logic V5.20 announced

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Jul-02  @  06:40 PM   -   Logic V5.20 announced


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multiple vst-i & Logic-i outputs at least pluys more apparently... check it out!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 21/27             06-Aug-02  @  06:53 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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Yeah no mention of the b3, but like you say I can't see how it can be better than the b4. So i'm glad they released the clavinet instead with v5.2

Just been playing back some existing tracks of mine trying to get a multiple out VSTi going. Not managed it yet! Got to get my head round it! BTW Kontakat does not seem to show up as a multiple out capable VSTi. I'm running v1.01.015 of kontakt, hmm...

K have you managed it with the latest Kontakt version?

Reaktor v3.0.5 does though and of course so does the EXS24. Thats it though.. Non of the other logic instruments are multi out capable - only the EXS24.

But I have noticed less audio spikes and maybe a bit lower CPU usage with the same track.

Tried monitoring with effects on a record armed track and it introduces a nasty bit of latency. Sounds about 10ms!!!! Fuck thats even with my RME Hammerfall set at 1.5ms latency... Great feature emaigc!

Looks good though if I can't get those multi outs going, arghhh!!!!



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Message 22/27             06-Aug-02  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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what fx were you using though stvy? i think i'd only want it for reverb (maybe delay) for vocals and sax and things. i don't think 10ms would matter for a reverb.

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Message 23/27             06-Aug-02  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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Well I've tried it with a compressor, and a bit of reverb on a guitar input, and on the ES2, also tried it with spectral delay!

Now the problem is especially for guitar playing 10ms is really a little bit too much, not that I'm Eddie van Halen or anything (although I can do a very good Nile Rogers - even if I do say so myself!)

Btw thats 10ms ontop of what I get anyway which is 1.5ms from the 01v 1.5ms from the RME Hammerfall and then back out.. Adds upto about 6ms in total so that added 10ms really messes me up.

Good to see that someone else can't get the aux sends working for the VSTi mulit outs too!



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Message 24/27             06-Aug-02  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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so the reverb only works on inputs as an inserts? i was thinking using it as a send. there is always that workaround that k posted while ago.

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Message 25/27             08-Aug-02  @  12:53 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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big question is - milan, bedwyr.. does 5.2 open up my synthedit vsti with patches in saved songs still?  

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Message 26/27             08-Aug-02  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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well if 5.1 did, why wouldnt this one?

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Message 27/27             08-Aug-02  @  08:24 PM   -   RE: Logic V5.20 announced


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ha you obviously know nothing of emagic.

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