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Subject: ok check it out !!!

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Oct-02  @  10:41 PM     Edit: 16-Oct-02  |  10:42 PM   -   ok check it out !!!


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hmmm! - see frontpage news!- new update drivers add huge control to sonar 2


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 21/28             01-Nov-02  @  01:25 AM   -   RE: ok check it out !!!


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dual overhead cams

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Message 22/28             02-Nov-02  @  01:33 PM   -   RE: ok check it out !!!



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some guys I know just got their rent almost doubled that al;ways happens so it's very hard to have any planning and longevity - another mate for example works in a posh bar/restaurant, they just closed last week, with only 6 days notice after their rent was doubled too (central london) and that place makes way more than a studio, all their clients were executives.

I dunno if it's the same in US and other cities, but in London we are at a crisis, well, the whole south of england frankly and it's starting to happen elsewhere. no-one can afford a home/space unless they make ALOT of money.

for example, a typical school teacher in London lives on (after rent & bills & other housing 'taxes') £250 pound per month for all their non critical spending - that is rediculous for a degree qualified teacher. So no-one wants to do the job. it's the same with other workers. Firemen now going on strike for same reason, they cant afford a home & to support a family, most of them work p/t in other jobs to make more money.

that is england now... 100% run for & by the yuppies and everyone else can themselves.

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Message 23/28             02-Nov-02  @  11:37 PM   -   RE: ok check it out !!!

Def Z


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Boston housing is ridiculous. 2 incomes is the only way. Some places are better than others. For what my wife and I paid for our little ranch, we could have bought a frickin' mansion in other parts of the country. We're spending around 40% of our income on housing.

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Message 24/28             04-Nov-02  @  07:13 PM   -   RE: ok check it out !!!



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in San Francisco it's been this way for 6-7 years! average rents are like $2000 to $2500 for simple 1 bedroom apartments! Even with the illusion of the collapse simple single home parcels (without a building on them) sell for half a million or more in the south bay.

And all the young, bright communters are moving up here now. A house that cost $125,000 5 years ago goes for $300,000 or more now in Sacramento. Glad I bought a place 3 years ago when a chunk of cash fell on me! Or I'd be living in an apartment in the vacant burbs and gettin' people yelling at me for my music being too loud! Can't have that, eh?


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Message 25/28             04-Nov-02  @  10:14 PM   -   RE: ok check it out !!!


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I'm very lucky in this respect. In Buffalo, I pay $585 a month for my 1000 sq. foot condo, and I'll own it outright after 17.5 years. The downside to that, of course, is that you have to live in Buffalo  

I have a friend who holds a master's in Architecture from Yale. He works in NYC, and can't afford to buy a car after he pays rent and his student loans.


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Message 26/28             04-Nov-02  @  10:35 PM   -   RE: ok check it out !!!



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that's OK, he's in NY... he doesn't need a car!  


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Message 27/28             04-Nov-02  @  11:43 PM   -   RE: ok check it out !!!


Posts: 4573

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Philly, people. My rent was cut in half moving from Boston, and the quality of my residence gajillionated. I've had lots of friends move here on my advice and they all love Philly.

It's actually a cool city, too.


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Message 28/28             05-Nov-02  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: ok check it out !!!


Posts: 2707

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Heh heh.. Rust Belt cities rule  


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