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Subject: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Nov-00  @  07:00 PM   -   Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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anyone tried one/use one ?

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Message 21/28             30-Nov-00  @  04:44 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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ok, how much, and how many cpu's can they fit running NT5 ??

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Message 22/28             30-Nov-00  @  08:54 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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The ones we have are 2u high. I believe
they can be ordered up to 4-way. Not
sure about price. Let me do some digging.


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Message 23/28             30-Nov-00  @  09:30 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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The 2u chassis supports 2 CPUs, $2570
gets you a dual P-III 733, 256MB RAM,
18GB SCSI hard disk. 4-way boxes have
all sorts of shit you probably don't
want to pay for, like SCSI backplane,
etc... They are fucking expensive. You
can get an 8-way box from them if you've
got sick cash (and 8u of rack space).

They don't exactly make the servers for
deranged, power-hungry musicians ;-)


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Message 24/28             30-Nov-00  @  11:32 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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well, what does it cost for a mixer, quality fx, synths & a powerful pc system & all stands racks & cables etc?... if it does all those things..??

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Message 25/28             01-Dec-00  @  04:23 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers


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Good point k, the amount of stuff you can do on a decent spec pc, nobody should bitch about the price....
I'm not sure you need server spec hardware for audio though, unless mebbe you are running a commercial studio, in which case the reliability factor would make it worth shelling out for the redundant power supplies, extra fans, raid adapters, drool drool, I'm getting excited now. I need to get out more....btw we use compaq proliant servers at work, they do seem to be very dependable, but their desktops are shite. Another thing - we just odered some new racks for the proliant stuff - they are 800 quid a go !!!

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Message 26/28             01-Dec-00  @  06:09 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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sure but thats the golden rule with compaq isn't it ? - 'Servers good - desktops shite'

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Message 27/28             01-Dec-00  @  06:57 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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I suppose you're right but the economics
of scale don't hold up past 2-way
boxes.. You don't need Ultra-SCSI3
backplanes with hot-swappable RAID
arrays. It'll cost you $20k minimum for
an 8-way box, when you could be saving
yourself like $8k of that by ditching
the backplane/RAID stuff, fibrechannel
interfaces, etc...

What you really want is a
workstation-class machine that
rackmounts, not really a server..

Hmm... Maybe one of those SGI boxes?
They're only two processor though..

Well, since you asked, I surfed back on
over to A 4-way P-III Xeon
700mhz system with 1GB of RAM, two 18GB
10k RPM SCSI drives will cost you
$14,299. It fits in 4u of rack space.

The 8 way box with the same specs is


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Message 28/28             01-Dec-00  @  11:42 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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y not buy a shithot pc and put it in one of these?

or, one of these

or just check out the site for the full line.


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