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Subject: mac to pc

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Original Message 1/3             22-Aug-02  @  02:36 PM   -   mac to pc



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any idea how i can get a mac formatted zip disk to be read by a pc, i keep getting a 'would yu like to format this disk' message.

I have some cubase arrangement from my old mac (which i no longer have) i want to use on my pc. The only way round this problem i have thought of would be to transfer songs back onto a mac and email them or use a floppy disc/cd. Any other ideas?


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Message 2/3             22-Aug-02  @  02:52 PM   -   RE: mac to pc



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I use a program called "Trans Mac", made by "Acute Systems". Never tried it for a zip disk, but it allows me to read Mac CDs on my PC. Sorry i haven't got a URL (you'll have to search). There's several other similar products about, so just have a search.

If you've got access to a mac you could copy all your files from the zip to the mac... format your zip disk on the PC, then stick the disk in the mac and put all the files back on it (i think Macs can read PC formatted zip disks). When you transfer the files to PC you'll have to add the file extensions to the filenames (.aiff or whatever), as these tend to get lost. I think that's about it, as it works for me anyway.


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Message 3/3             22-Aug-02  @  04:56 PM   -   RE: mac to pc



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thanks mate i will do a search for that kind of programme.

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