aaa Hoontech, is the Latency that low? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Hoontech, is the Latency that low?

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Original Message 1/3             10-Dec-00  @  02:35 PM   -   Hoontech, is the Latency that low?



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I am looking at getting the C port and I have read in seceral places that you can get it down to 3ms latency is this true has anyone acheived it. I am running LAP 4.5 on a P3 650. I want a card that enables me to sync audio to midi something my Isis card can't seem to manage

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Message 2/3             10-Dec-00  @  07:36 PM   -   RE: Hoontech, is the Latency that low?



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midiman Delta's seem to really like Logic

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Message 3/3             11-Dec-00  @  08:16 AM   -   RE: Hoontech, is the Latency that low?


Posts: 24

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I had an Isis.
The Hoontech,s timing is way better in terms of overall stability and audio/midi sync.
Had to change the Video card to AGP tho.That got rid of the clicks etc,tho i still get some noises when turning Compressors on etc in Cubase.
I run the card at 44.1,so the latency is higher,around 12 millisecs.
But i can still use real time monitoring with vst fx no problems,but its easier to just use the source signal for better timing when recording notes in Midi.
I monitor thru an external Mixer, a Folio SX.
There is a guy called Matt on the Mailing list who has a good web site 4 the CPort,especially for setting-up Logic which he uses.
Check on the Hoontech website to join up.

Cheers Guru.

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