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Subject: win7 and older software question

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Original Message 1/3             01-Jul-10  @  01:35 PM   -   win7 and older software question


Posts: 3872

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my new puter came with windows 7 home. i was using xp on my previous puter. i still have
sonar audio doesn't play back in sonar 3 now. before you say "sphwew, no more audio
from sitar" i am contemplating upgrading win7 to get the xp compatibility patch that comes with
win7 premium. i also have older versions of photoshop, indesign and illustrator. i haven't
installed them yet but i'm assuming they won't work either without the patch.

has anyone had successful experience with the xp compatibility thingy in win7?

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Message 2/3             06-Jul-10  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: win7 and older software question


Posts: 3872

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I upgraded to one of the Win7 versions that allows virtual XP, Ultimate. I installed Sonar 3 into virtual
XP and so far it works fine. Audio which did not playback in Win7 plays now in virtual XP. I also
opened a dxi synth and was able to record and playback the synth track. yay!

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Message 3/3             23-Mar-11  @  12:40 PM     Edit: 23-Mar-11  |  05:47 PM   -   RE: win7 and older software question


Posts: 80

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File?:  No file

Many 32 bit applications install and work nicely in W7.
You can find them in the "x86" folder.

SafeandSound Mastering

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SafeandSound Mastering, low cost, high end

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