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Subject: sw1000xg question

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Original Message 1/3             20-Feb-99  @  03:33 AM   -   sw1000xg question



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Is it possible to run ACID, rebirth, digital
audio tracks and sounds from the soundcard under
cubase at the same time?
Does the dsp chip take the load off the
computer's processor running all of these at the
same time?

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Message 2/3             20-Feb-99  @  03:37 AM   -   RE: sw1000xg question



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I ask because I have a p133 w/32megs of RAM and wonder
if I am going to have to upgrade the computer first.
Any suggestions?

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Message 3/3             20-Feb-99  @  05:45 AM   -   RE: sw1000xg question


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The card acts like a mixer. All you are really doing is routing the signals through the card. I ran rebirth through it and could ad the effects to the mix. You will need hubis loopback device, and maybe midi ox to run the card with any sequencer other than the one it comes with in tandem with Gary G. xgedit. The software parts are freeware. If you are interested I am selling my card for $425.00. The load on the cpu is very small. But playing back harddisk tracks might tax it.

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