aaa Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52 - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52

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Original Message 1/34             29-Jan-02  @  01:33 PM   -   Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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Was looking at NI PRO-52. It's a Prophet-5 emulator. I do have a Prophet Synth preset with Tassman already. I took a look at Reaktor while at the NI site and it sounds impressive, but is also quite a bit more expensive. Any experienced with either or both of these softsynths? How are they? How much processing power do they eat as you add polyphony or in Reaktor's case, modules?

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Message 2/34             29-Jan-02  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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How much processor Sitar? Whaddya mean? On what kind of box were you thinking of running these?

As standalone (in both cases) or as VSTIs? Within Cubase, Logic or Orion??

For the record, i like Pro52 a LOT... a very very well featureded softsynth and there's already a lot of free patches out there to showcase the sound.. (as well as nice controller maps for the likes of the Phatboy, Control Freak etc.)

Dunno much about Reaktor, but I've heard all good things about it.. esp. from the likes of k etc...


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Message 3/34             29-Jan-02  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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if you have the SN2 (which you do i think) i'd get either Reaktor 3 or FM7 (of the NI range) - pro-52 is good, but i think the SN already has those sort of sounds covered although NOt the same quite as the SN2... whereas FM7 or REAKTOR 3 opens up new worlds of synthesis & sounds i think more alongside a good VA you already own... (reaktor accepts samples & reads akai sample CD's to do audio synthesis & wave synthesis fx etc (and reaktor 3 also works as a VSTi FX plugin for audio processing THRU it's system)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/34             29-Jan-02  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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... but hey... check it out anyways with the demo of PRO 52 to make sure.... NI have good demo's of all their synths - and remember the mighty ABSYNTH is out for PC (NI 'bought in' & tweaked ABSYNTH from another creator and it rocks too) - ty them all as demo i suggest - NI do a superb sorted demo disk with ALL it's products on.. each with a demo setup & audio examples....


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/34             29-Jan-02  @  04:10 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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Thanks K. I think Reaktor is now available as a dxi as well. So the SN can pretty much do the Prophet-5? That's good to know. I wouldn't know the Prophet-5 sounds from anything else but it sounds like I'd wind up with an unnecessary overlap. So yea the demos are what I'll look at next. Absynth looks good too although I didn't see it on their site. Must have overlooked it.

Thanks Marc. Haven't seen you around much. Hope all is well. I'm using an 850 PIII with 512 RAM and 36gb IDE hd spinning at 7200 rpm. Would run the program as dxi or vsti in Sonar.

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Message 6/34             29-Jan-02  @  06:50 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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I found Absynth. They say it's to be released for pc in march. I think I might wait for that to happen. Looks pretty amazing...envelopes. And if they keep the price that the mac version goes for it's cheaper than Reaktor.

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Message 7/34             31-Jan-02  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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I have the pro-52 and the absynth demo. they sound pretty different to me. absynth has a very hi-fi sound, even on dirty patches, like you can hear the dirt very clearly, while the pro-52 has a bit more of that older, analog-ish sound with nice sparkle, but little 'air' meaing that REALLY high frequency shimmery presence. it sounds a LOT more clear and 'digital" than my pulse playing very similar patches, tho. I love them both. the absynth demo is wicked too, which is why I posted that link to it. from the sound of your music, I think you's really dig programming beats using the envelopes on the absynth. it's really ill, tho I'm content with the demo, and interesed mostly in really boring farty sounds like pianos lately.

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Message 8/34             31-Jan-02  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52

Brett B


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I found Reaktor to be heavy on resources. although the sounds in it are the best I have heard. You can do hard Virus like analog modeling, or emulate an old leslie organ or rhodes piano. The pro-52 is much more limiting than the modualr design of Reaktor, but easy to get going with.

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Message 9/34             01-Feb-02  @  03:01 AM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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The heavy processing power makes me want to back off. It gets frustrating when you start to get dropouts. What are you using for again for a pc Brett? Absynth does sound wicked to with those envelopes. I would love to find software, which maybe Reactor can offer, that does Junos really well. Well its a toss-up still. I guess I'd rule out the Pro-52 for now only because it does one thing, however well. Even though Pongoid also said the real Prophet 5 produces some big warm sounds which I like.

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Message 10/34             01-Feb-02  @  09:29 AM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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*heh* Synthesisers that only do ONE thing...

What a concept eh?

"Ambassedor with these multi-configuration softsynths you are spoiling us!"


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Message 11/34             01-Feb-02  @  05:23 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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A synth with a spigot that pours out coffee would be nice. Imagine. The next os would come out adding beer, wine, and pina coladas to the list of available spigots. I could see myself drinking a stein while posting in the Novation forum, "It took a while but OS 4.6 was worth the wait".

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Message 12/34             01-Feb-02  @  05:51 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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finally, something sonar doesen't do...

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Message 13/34             06-Feb-02  @  12:31 AM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52

Brett B


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i use a pII800 256mb sdram100mhz, and dspfactory.

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Message 14/34             06-Feb-02  @  12:20 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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"Ambassedor with these multi-configuration softsynths you are spoiling us!"

chuckle  ... tres droll.... The sign of good taste!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 15/34             01-Mar-02  @  07:37 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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It looks like I'm going for Reaktor. Looks pretty awesome to me.

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Message 16/34             01-Mar-02  @  09:44 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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wait for absynth to come out at least man, its definately no way near as open-ended but completely freaky-unique. My G3 hold up pretty fcuking well with it too - like mebbe 5% extra on the cpu when used as a vsti for average patches.

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Message 17/34             02-Mar-02  @  04:12 AM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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Rain on my parade why don't you. I was comtemplating that a while ago. Absynth looks wild and tempting as hell, but what I'm reading about Reaktor and all that it offers sounds too good to pass up. I'm gonna d/l the demo tomorrow anyway. Would the quality of my life be better if there was only one choice? I'm beginning to think so.

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Message 18/34             02-Mar-02  @  09:27 AM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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reaktor is a programers dream, but i'm too lazy, and it's too hungry. pro52 is, as has been said, pretty good for the sounds that it does & it's piss easy to program. but i've a sneaky suspicion that absynth will/does piss on them both.

native instruments are just the dons, aren't they?

marc_d, hahahahahah!

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Message 19/34             02-Mar-02  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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most mac types seem to prefer absynth even though its less flexible ......those envelopes and the ability to draw your own waveforms in realtime really make it stand out. Not that I can program it to save me life, course.

I`m not saying you`ll like it more but at least wait to size it up as theres nothing like it (theres nowt like reaktor either, but you know what I mean .

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Message 20/34             02-Mar-02  @  07:27 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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Jeez. There's nothing like you either but that doesn't mean I'm sitting around waiting for you to come out :P

I know. Absynth is very unique looking. But you can draw envelopes in Reaktor 3 as well, or least there are some presets made for it that allow for it.

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Message 21/34             03-Mar-02  @  12:44 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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well Absynth was bought-in by NI, it's a synth with amazing features & a unique sound... but Reaktor i think does 'more' with it's sample playing/loading & wave sequencing & manipulation etc... they are different. Reaktor is the one for your classic synth sounds... it's an analog-fest basicaly... think old classic analog synths & modular panels etc... I'd say Reaktor if you dont have a workhorse VA... Absynth i'd get second unless you had those sounds covered... Sitar might find Absynth more interesting or rather 'complimentary' as he already has the SNII for example... mind you, Reaktor would compiment a SNII as well, but you get my drift.

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Message 22/34             04-Mar-02  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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My thinking is that Reaktor is a package of tons of classic analog synths, fm and and wavetable stuff. It's looks to have virtually endless possibilities for building one's own synths too. I probably will never get to uncover a quarter of it. The other good thing is that they're up to v3.0 which is much improved in terms of cpu usage and a load of other features. Absynth is about to be introduced for pc and although NI produces excellent quality, there's always the risk of having to put up with quirks for awhile. I can get Reaktor now, and wait on Absynth for a little while.

And K, I have the SNI. Didn't get an SNII. I'm happy with the SNI though.

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Message 23/34             04-Mar-02  @  11:02 AM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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here's another one to have a look at - virsyn

don't hear much talk about this. it's got a load of presets, with fx and a cool morphing thing.

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Message 24/34             04-Mar-02  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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Reaktor absolutely rocks.

Sounds like nothing I've ever heard (or been able to afford) before. The granular delay ensembles are awesome - - -

I bought it 2months ago and I'm hooked - - - using it alongside my Waldorf Microwave XT - - - Reaktor takes care of the wacky beeps / beats & sample splintering.

Only downside to all this s/w stuff is staring at 1,000,000s of windows on my monitor ....

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Message 25/34             06-Mar-02  @  04:49 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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mind you, for a fix for the 'analog synths' part of Reaktor you could get Dynamo instead, also from NI, which is very good.

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Message 26/34             07-Mar-02  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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Another possibility to confuse me more. Dynamo + Absynth. I dl'd the Reaktor demo but haven't done more but looked at it yet. Maybe that's what I'll do tonight.

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Message 27/34             07-Mar-02  @  03:24 AM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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Played with the Reaktor demo. As a standalone it kept knocking out my soundcard drivers. I got it to play a little bit, but it would freeze up when I opened a couple of modules, like the CubeX which is the fm module. I brought it into Sonar with VSTConfig and it worked fine although I couldn't find the audio preferences to bring the latency down. As a standalone I had the latency all the way down once I got it working and it was no problem. So it stopped running in Sonar. Maybe I reached the 20 maxout of the demo. So I closed out and reopened but it wouldn't work again. Makes me a little nervous about getting the program. Also using it as a standalone, whatever I did it had this ugly granular distortion on the sound in each module. That disappeared once it was in Sonar. Interesting. I checked my soundcard mixer and it wasn't peaking out. When it was working, it produced some great sounds. I could hear a whole new world of techno opening up in my minds ear. There was definately druel escaping my mouth and running down my shirt if you know what I mean.

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Message 28/34             07-Mar-02  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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yo just so you know, NI said that dynamo has not yet been optimized like reaktor has so its CPU usage may be higher. also, be sure you get that absynth demo. it was actually you, sitar, I had in mind when I posted the link to it because I think that for the style you seem to dig (lot-o-drums techno?), programming beats with the envelopes in absynth would be the s h i t. I have the pro-52 and absynth demo and absynth sounds 1000 times better. I think I hate the pro-52 now.

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Message 29/34             07-Mar-02  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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Thanks Knowa. I was starring at Reaktor long and hard at Sam Ash an hour ago. Problem is if the s/w doesn't work you can't take it back. How would I find about whether this was just the demo, or the demo getting corrupted in the d/l or if there is really some incompatibility issue with my puter and Reaktor? Ponder deep and hard I must Yoda. In the meantime, I picked up Waldorf Attack. Gotta load it now.

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Message 30/34             08-Mar-02  @  03:25 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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I think NI has a forum. post your puter specs and see what others say. I've also stared at reaktor in sam ash, but I went home with battery instead.

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Message 31/34             08-Mar-02  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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The salespeople in Sam Ash talk about it. It's a phenomena. Customers come in all day long and stare at Reaktor for 1/2 an hour before buying some other software.

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Message 32/34             08-Mar-02  @  05:15 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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lol! I'm scared I'll get it, instantly 'need' a faster computer, and spend three months mangling samples instead of making music. that's why I keep absynth at the demo level. I've got twenty minutes to go in there and play before I export the audio and quit. ooh ooh--I call the "insect strings" preset!

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Message 33/34             08-Mar-02  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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reaktor 3 is awesome. gonna have to get it.
really an improvement on 2.3

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Message 34/34             08-Mar-02  @  11:51 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


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Sam Ash again tomorrow I guess. I can hear the whispers already..."psst, here comes one of them's gonna stand there and stare at the box...anybody got a watch?...let's time him".

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