aaa Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52 - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52

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Original Message                 Date: 29-Jan-02  @  01:33 PM   -   Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


Posts: 3872

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Was looking at NI PRO-52. It's a Prophet-5 emulator. I do have a Prophet Synth preset with Tassman already. I took a look at Reaktor while at the NI site and it sounds impressive, but is also quite a bit more expensive. Any experienced with either or both of these softsynths? How are they? How much processing power do they eat as you add polyphony or in Reaktor's case, modules?

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Message 31/34             08-Mar-02  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


Posts: 3872

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The salespeople in Sam Ash talk about it. It's a phenomena. Customers come in all day long and stare at Reaktor for 1/2 an hour before buying some other software.

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Message 32/34             08-Mar-02  @  05:15 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52



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lol! I'm scared I'll get it, instantly 'need' a faster computer, and spend three months mangling samples instead of making music. that's why I keep absynth at the demo level. I've got twenty minutes to go in there and play before I export the audio and quit. ooh ooh--I call the "insect strings" preset!

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Message 33/34             08-Mar-02  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


Posts: 720

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reaktor 3 is awesome. gonna have to get it.
really an improvement on 2.3

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Message 34/34             08-Mar-02  @  11:51 PM   -   RE: Anybody using NI Reaktor or Pro52


Posts: 3872

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Sam Ash again tomorrow I guess. I can hear the whispers already..."psst, here comes one of them's gonna stand there and stare at the box...anybody got a watch?...let's time him".

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