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Subject: usb midi interfaces?

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Original Message 1/35             01-Jul-00  @  02:44 PM   -   usb midi interfaces?



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I recently had to buy a 1 in 1 out midiman pc card interface because my opcode studio 64x would not work with the editing software for my Nord Modular. At Guitar Center they offered me a USB interface but I knew nothing of the quality or if my system supported it. I checked my computer and it is USB ready, and I was wondering if the performance of USB exceeds serial interfaces. Is the timing better, and does clock and smpte lock up well? I plan to sell the 64x and buy a new multi-port. Can you chain USB togther?

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Message 2/35             01-Jul-00  @  06:24 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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I have heard that USB midi is supposed to be ALOT better than serial, but never tried it myself....
USB is just more direct, skip all those damned circuits...

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Message 3/35             02-Jul-00  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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that's good to know, but does anyone have any comparison from experience or benchmark tests?

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Message 4/35             02-Jul-00  @  12:10 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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I have the UX256 usb midi interface by yamaha it costs under 200 quid it has 6 midi ins and outs plus 2 to host connectors each capable of carrying 80 channels each it works flawlessly plus it functions as a midi patchbay so I don't have all that unplugging shit.You can connect up to 32 of these units together via usb hubs on one USB port,I have no problems with it at all and usb data transmission is reportedly much faster than serial.I also have a usb midiman midisport interface 2 by 2 it works flawlessly also.I don't have experience with serial interfaces except for a to host connection to an mu128 which has no problems either it carries 96 channels,for your purposes I'd say go with usb there's bound to be more support/products for it in the future.

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Message 5/35             03-Jul-00  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Pict, have you ever had any problems with that box? My MOTU MicroExpress is buggy as fuck, and is going back for repairs, so I might get a new box. The two To Host ports looked great to me - one for my 01V and one for the CS1X. Does it work as a standalone router? Can it route MIDI at an individual channel level? Like if I run my RM1X into a MIDI in can I route channels 1-4 to my Virus, 5-10 to the sampler, and channel 11 to channel 1 on the CS1X?

If you want, leave me your email and we can take it offline.


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Message 6/35             03-Jul-00  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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Craig it doesn't work on a per channel basis.It can route the midi outs from the computer to the midi outs of the UX e.g. computer outs 1,2,3,4,(up to 16 at once)to UX out 1 (it merges the data)or computer out 1 to UX outs 1,2,3,4(up to 16 at once) .

It also works the other way round e.g.UX ins 1,2,3,4(up to 16 at once) to computer in 1 or UX in 1 to computer ins 1,2,3,4(up to 16 at once) .

It also has a midi thru function so you can e.g. use UX midi in 1 to transmit to UX midi outs 1 to 16 so you can use 1 controller to control several sources connected to the UX's midi outs or connect 16 devices to transmit to 1 UX midi out(the data is of course merged though how effectively I don't know as I haven't used it like that.)
Hope that clarifies things somewhat.

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Message 7/35             03-Jul-00  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Yeah, fuck... The problem is such: I have an RM1X which will need to control a Virus A, CS1X, and S2000 live... So I need to be able to route individual channels from the RM1X to the individual synths. The CS1X is a bitch in a multi-unit setup. I wish I could turn off the tone generator for voices 5-16. I guess the problem is mostly lack of multi setups on the CS1X. With the Virus I can set all the unwanted channels to a patch that makes no noise. With the CS1X, I can't :-(

The MOTU boxes can route channels, but I've got a bad taste in my mouth from my MicroExpress and I'm looking for alternatives.

Perhaps there's an even easier alternative that I'm not thinking about?


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Message 8/35             03-Jul-00  @  02:34 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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What sequencer are you using?

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Message 9/35             03-Jul-00  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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I'm using Cake on the PC. The problem doesn't lie with using the interface with the PC. Any interface can do for that... What I need is a box that will be able to do double-duty for live work. At the minimum, it's got to be able to turn individual channels on/off at each output. Ideally, I'd like to be able to store a couple of different routings to be recalled later...


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Message 10/35             09-Jul-00  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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My Midiman USB 2x2 has been great so far on my PC (Celeron 433)... so I've gone for a 2nd 2x2. Seems pretty good, but I've not hammered it yet.

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Message 11/35             10-Jul-00  @  10:05 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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MidiMan has a USB 4x4 out now, & soon will have a USB/Serial 8x8 that includes SMPTE & stand-alone patchbay.

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Message 12/35             10-Jul-00  @  03:03 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Yeah, but the patchbays on these things are only port-to-port. I need to route channels, since I've got 1 RM1X and 3 or 4 sound sources... Or at least I need one that I can program to filter out 15 of 16 channels worth of data going to the CS1X.


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Message 13/35             19-Jul-00  @  03:51 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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craig..totally off topic here..but you said something about the virus in multi mode..and using patches that make no sound? Why not just turn the particular channels off?

I HATE that thing in multimode tho. Im a duff and cant figure out why the singles that I use sound different than when in single mode...fuck

as for the midi deal. USB is sposed to be way tighter, but I dont know SHIT so..sorry

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Message 14/35             19-Jul-00  @  11:58 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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The Virus isn't the problem, it's the CS1X. And you can't (easily) turn the other channels off on it. I love the Virus multi-mode :-) It's very easy. I could turn them off, but I'm lazy ;-) If you save a patch with osc volume set to 0 or output set to zero in slot A1 then your multis are automatically set up :-) Polyphony could be affected, but I haven't run into any problems yet.

I don't have a problem with patches sounding different, though... Are you using the chorus and delay? How about Unison? Those are the only things that should be affected in multimode.


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Message 15/35             19-Jul-00  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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I just realized that the above only applies to a Virus A (which I think you have?) If you have a KB or B, then things could/would be different...


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Message 16/35             19-Jul-00  @  12:06 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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nope. its the A.

what happens is this:

I got a patch runnin with filter 1 bein high pass, about 30 percent envelope medium decay, then filter 2 is a lopass about 50%, bout 30% rez on both...

LFO1 to filter gain to make it move a bit, LFO2 to cutoff for filt 1 and 2, full. the sequence, in single mode..this sound is SWEET and all over the place...but when I put it in multi its just dry hipass LFOs NOTHING.

also, in multimode..when doing knob tweaking..for some reason the filter will be affected for other midi channels than the one the patch Im using is on.

Am I trippin?

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Message 17/35             19-Jul-00  @  03:00 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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I don't know what to tell you dude, but it ain't happening on my Virus... I'll do some tests on mine to make sure, but I think I'd have heard it by now ;-) In fact, I'm almost positive this isn't happening... In Retribution I've got LFOs modulating pans on one patch and filter on another, and in multi mode the pans still pan, and the filter still moves...

I _know_ for a fact that twiddling cutoff on one channel does not affect other patches in the multi, at least not from the panel. I know I've recorded cutoff twiddling on independent channels and it plays back fine from the sequencer. Ditto the panel.

Dunno, dude... I'll check mine out but I ain't having none of that... Doesn't Horizens have a KB? Does he have the same problems? Have you tried a reset (back up first!!!)?


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Message 18/35             19-Jul-00  @  08:30 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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NO. H's works fine. I think mines fucked up.

havent done a reset. Will do tonight.

theres no reason it should be doin this shit.

Thing is..Ive been away from my gear for long enough that it feels foreign again. tahts a SHITTY feeling

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Message 19/35             24-Jul-00  @  12:06 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Yeah, I know... I just boxed all my stuff up for my move. Sucks that it's a 2-parter... I have to spend next week with the folks...

Anyway, if you're still having problems with that kind of thing, do a reset and if that doesn't work re-load the OS.

Other than that...


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Message 20/35             06-Aug-00  @  12:26 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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In theory USB has a superior transfer rate. In reality, its still a young protocol. I've got a Midiman Sport USB 2x2 AND a Opcode Studio 64X (4x4 serial). The serial midi interface is MUCH better. If you're doing long fast drum rolls (triplets and stuff) on the Midiman (USB) then it collapses. however, the Opcode handles it no probs.

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Message 21/35             10-Aug-00  @  04:33 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?

Martin L


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Rouge: Are u sure bout the Midiman Sport problem? I have just the same interface, and I have no probs with fast drum rolls...

Just thought I should mention it....

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Message 22/35             11-Aug-00  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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yeah lightning fast drum rolls here as well on my midisport 2x

i have a dual midi interface that is pci and the midisport and it play right in time no matter what i throw at them



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Message 23/35             17-Aug-00  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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Same for me with the midisport works fine although I tried the updated driver and it wouldn't work at all when I went back to the original driver it was fine again.I read that if you throw a lot of sysex at usb midi interfaces they can't handle it.

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Message 24/35             18-Aug-00  @  08:12 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Pict, how's the Yammie holding up? I'm ridding myself of the MicroExpress and want to replace it with that.


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Message 25/35             18-Aug-00  @  09:42 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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dont you have to set the usb port to firewire protocol setting for bigger/faster thruput? - how one does that tho, i've no idea cos i've never tried it, but i'm sure usb ports can be set to either.

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Message 26/35             18-Aug-00  @  09:44 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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one thing tho - we just setup a system which needed a digital camera, and used a usb smart-card reader - it was a bloody nightmare to get it to work, sometimes it would sometimes it wouldn't, etc etc sometimes it'd crash, but, in the end it turned out to be a faulty motherboard.

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Message 27/35             19-Aug-00  @  06:46 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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Craig so far so good with the yammie,Yamaha recently released a driver update for it which I used it all went smoothly.I've done a bit of editing my an1x and fs1r with it and it seems to handle sysex fine.The only thing I'm having difficulty with is tracking down these to host cables with the round connector at both ends my local dealer doesn't have any and is checking with Yamaha but they take forever to get back to you plus nowhere else seems to stock them so if you want to use the to host ports check availability of those cables with your dealer.

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Message 28/35             21-Aug-00  @  08:25 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Yeah, I wanted to host cables for my 01V and maybe the CS1X... Aren't they just Mac serial cables? Check your local computer warehouse.


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Message 29/35             21-Aug-00  @  09:09 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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Yeah they are just Mac serial cables but Denmark has very,very few Mac shops and none of the other shops stock Mac accessories but I should be able to track a couple down hopefully.

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Message 30/35             25-Aug-00  @  02:28 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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I have a studio 64x and it runs fine timing wise, but I found out after purchasing a Nord Modular, that it had set buffers for sysex and could not comunicate with the unit. The Midi man I bought was fine , but I sent everything back and am waiting for a superior solution. I want to see how this new VST midi format holds up. If it is stable I'll probably pick one up and retire the 64x.
Hey 99 Devils, you need a midi channel router. Jl Cooper, or Kenton should be able to hook you up. It will have one in and multi outs and you can assign channels 1-16 to those outs. I saw one second hand once and it was one of those companies I mentioned who made it.I need one for my mmt-8. I sold my cs1x because of it's inherant midi port consumption and lack of muscle. It was really a starter synth for me. Good sounds can be made if you layer. The best results I had with that synth were when I filtered it through a bass station.

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Message 31/35             05-Sep-00  @  09:28 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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I have an Opcode MIDIport 32 2x2 usb interface that I purchased on ebay. That may have been a mistake. It worked fine for a few days, although I am brand new to MIDI sequencing and I didn't really know what I was doing before this thing shit on me. It recieves no power and my PC no longer recognizes it. My usb's are working fine for other hardware. The original owner did not register the port so I got no response from Opcode (I heard they were bought out). Does anyone have any tips or recommendations for me.

MIDI-less in Motown

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Message 32/35             06-Sep-00  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers.Try unplugging the interface uninstall the drivers make sure you delete all the appropriate files then plug the interface back in reboot and then use the add new hardware wizard in the control panel to reinstall the drivers for it.Have you checked if there are more recent drivers available on the net most manufacturers generally have a driver section on their sites where you can download the latest drivers.Hope it works out for you.

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Message 33/35             07-Sep-00  @  08:27 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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If it's not receiving power, check your USB cabling, and check the port with another USB device to rule out problems with the PC/cable.


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Message 34/35             13-Sep-00  @  10:54 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Hi, pict
according to the post on the discussion talking that you own a UX256....i really looking to purchase that but some of my worries are holding me back....hope you can help me answer my question i will greatly appreciate and thankful to you help...

1)Can the yamaha ux256 function as a patch bay with the computer switch off??
2)what sequencing software are you using???
3)seems to have no timing issues right on the softwares you r using???

actually i am also looking at the emagic amt8 8in/8out but the price is much more so...i guess after you advice me i will make a deccision fast as i really need one multi midi interface soon..BTW i am using CS6X,korg prophecy and novation superbass station..these gears will be connecting to the midi interfaces..running at the same time...hope the ux256 can handle all the midi instructions well...

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Message 35/35             08-Dec-00  @  01:29 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Dude...The guy who says that u arent even getting power... Whoever u probaly bought it from probaly spilt water on it...or sumtin might have happened to it..Maybe it got glued back together..LOL!

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