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Subject: mother board cpu

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Feb-02  @  07:43 PM   -   mother board cpu

jim left

Posts: 56

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Can anyone recommend me a good mother board cpu combination solely for music for around £300. I´m not a computer head so I can´t really say much more than that. As long as I can run 16 tracks and some plug-ins and couple good reverbs if that´s possible with the money I´ve got…..any help much appreciated thank´s

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Message 31/37             08-Mar-02  @  10:20 AM   -   RE: mother board cpu


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40c is fine for an XP.. they use a smaller die size, less voltage required so they run cooler... Mindspawns right about the TBirds they were the last generation of chips of that architecture.. pushed it all to the max...

The thermal tab on the cooler/heatsink will be more than good enough for an XP but not a TBird... if you're still unsure, go the thermal paste route! I had to coz I got a TBird..

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Message 32/37             08-Mar-02  @  08:20 PM   -   RE: mother board cpu


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Ditto what dARKSTATe said....


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Message 33/37             08-Mar-02  @  09:17 PM   -   RE: mother board cpu


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ditto what mindspawn said

sorry. had to

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Message 34/37             14-Mar-02  @  07:58 PM   -   RE: mother board cpu

jim left

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Done it, if anyone’s bothered… it was easy actually, accept I put the heat sink on the wrong way and the bugger wouldn’t boot, being the first time and’all me thinks me fried the cpu but all is well…seems to be pretty quiet too,
info thanks

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Message 35/37             16-Mar-02  @  08:25 AM   -   RE: mother board cpu


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Well, i finally got my new box with the tbird epox combo, if anyone is interested....

It's working great, and fast as a hooker. I *did* have a problem with my ram at first... it didnt seem to be compatible with the mobo, which the support guy at the ram manufacturer said was fairly common with the new ddr sdram, since its new technology. Blah. Whatever. So I switched it with a different stick and it runs great. Would have been a bitch if it hadnt been for that onboard POST chip... I dont think I'd ever buy another board without one...

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Message 36/37             16-Mar-02  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: mother board cpu


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what ram was it, if you don't mind sayin'? also, influx was talking about some mushkin sticks, any feedback there?

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Message 37/37             18-Mar-02  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: mother board cpu


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well..this is funny because...mine works FINE now. didnt have to switch the RAM or even the slot...

I had mounted it with some plastic washers (between the screw and mobo...)..and apparently that was a no-no. for some reason I thought you were sposed to do that

all is done. reinstalled windows on my new IDE hard drive.

all i can say is FAST!!!!!

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