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Subject: O1v as cubase controller?

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Original Message 1/4             25-Feb-02  @  01:05 AM   -   O1v as cubase controller?


Posts: 7627

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I dont have my O1v manual in front of me right now (its in a box somewhere along with all my gear) so...

Im wondering how well the O1v works as a controller for cubase (and any other progs such as reason, plugins, etc?)

I have decided to start mixing internally as the sound will just be that much better and tighter than my all midi mixes to date, and I am wondering if I even need the O1v anymore. If its flexible enough as a controller then I will certainly keep it. If I could get by with say a MotorMix and a small analog for routing I might go that way


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Message 2/4             25-Feb-02  @  01:22 AM   -   RE: O1v as cubase controller?



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cubase has a preset for it as far as I remember.

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Message 3/4             25-Feb-02  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: O1v as cubase controller?


Posts: 7627

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well..I know you can get an app from yamaha that maps the O1v out...

Im just wondering how well it works, and HOW it works, and I cant get my hands on it at the moment which is why im most curious

anyone else?

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Message 4/4             25-Feb-02  @  07:18 AM   -   RE: O1v as cubase controller?


Posts: 7627

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nevermind. broke out the cubase details pdf and read up on it

looks GREAT!

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