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Subject: Logic Sample Rate not recognised

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Original Message 1/4             26-Feb-02  @  10:44 PM   -   Logic Sample Rate not recognised



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I have a dual-boot W98 and W98SE PC. Logic Gold 4.8.1 in both of them. The W98 one keeps coming up with 'Error trying to synchronize Audio with Midi. Sample rate 46130 recognised' and then playback stops. The W98SE side works fine on the same song. I have copied the preferences from W98SE to W98 so they are identical.

My audio card is a Sonorus STUDI/O and is set to Internal 44.1 in both cases. I have re-installed the hardware and drivers.

PC is Celeron 533, 192 RAM.

Any ideas?



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Message 2/4             27-Feb-02  @  05:02 AM   -   RE: Logic Sample Rate not recognised


Posts: 12353

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that could be your problem cos with win98 dual installs share files apparently, if you remove an install on one disk it can effect the other install.. one got messed up by the sound of it... better to only install it on one booter, and clean out first. i dont think winxp has this problem any more. But that might not be the problem of course, but it could be... somethings not right - seems like winxp and more power is (again) required - i'm going up to xp but once that's done i dunno about an upgrade after that..

Mebbe remove the driver completely ?... in he Windows Explorer, go to file folder: C:\winodws\inf\other. - and look for your sonorous drivers.... if you delete them and then go to the Windows Control Panel, double-click on SYSTEM, and highlight the DEVICE MANAGER tab. - Double-Click on SOUND, VIDEO, AND GAME CONTROLLERS. Highlight the icon for the sonorous... Click REMOVE

reboot into your other OS and do the same

then reeboot to one boot (main music boot) and try and install it... see if that works, then try adding the other.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/4             27-Feb-02  @  11:44 AM   -   RE: Logic Sample Rate not recognised



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Thanks K.

Do you mean that one environment can still potentially be affected by what is on a hidden boot partition? Scary.

I removed and re-installed the drivers on the W98 side but am kind of reluctant to do so on the W98SE - at least it's still working! Maybe I'll bite the bullet on that one.



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Message 4/4             27-Feb-02  @  01:43 PM   -   RE: Logic Sample Rate not recognised



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File?:  No file

all I knowe is that with win98 and it's tired memory managment & bootin protocols if you have two boots, and want to install the same s/w on both boot's then installs & removals does apparently alter both installs, but not on XP... another reason to move on up - damn it just keeps happening... at least with a fast as XP box (top-end athlon) we wont have to upgrade again unless we want totaly loony-tune VSTi & fx rates... already my test duron700 runs VST & REASON sync'd all the way, with lots of vst fx and no glitching...

I'm building a new dual-boot test athlon 1800xp soon on an XP core with a step by step build guide with piccies to go-with...

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