aaa Can Logic 4.61 use REX files? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Can Logic 4.61 use REX files?

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Original Message 1/4             26-Nov-00  @  07:15 PM   -   Can Logic 4.61 use REX files?


Posts: 2

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I really like the ability to import REX files into Cubase to then re-arrange
and layer them on top of others.

Does Logic accept these files, or have a good way to chop up a loop?

I know that you can ctrl-click a part and it will be divided up into separate
aprts, but this isn't the same.



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Message 2/4             27-Nov-00  @  11:54 AM   -   RE: Can Logic 4.61 use REX files?



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File?:  No file

i don´t know what a REX file is, but you can easily chop audio files in logic.
there is a function in the sample edit and audio window, which does exactly what recycle does. the function is called ´strip silence´, and also handles stereo files, opposed to recycle.
because it only affects the regions in logic, it leaves the file itself as it is.

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Message 3/4             28-Nov-00  @  12:07 AM   -   RE: Can Logic 4.61 use REX files?


Posts: 2

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

thanks for the help.

a REX file is a file that is saved from withing recyle.
when you load it into cubase you have the break
split up into its parts already. and from there you
can move them around.

is the strip silence function easy to audtition the
cuts for each slice? i really like to be able to
see the slices first, like in recycle before i commit.

oh, well i guess i will just have to try it myself.



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Message 4/4             28-Nov-00  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: Can Logic 4.61 use REX files?


Posts: 2

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File?:  No file

ok, tried it and idont really like it. doesnt seem to work with files
that dont have a really clear attack for each drum hit. this function
doesnt seem to be designed to do this. although in some cases
im sure it would work. but overall recycle is much better, except
for the stereo files but i never use them anyways.


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