aaa Dual p3? AMD? please recommend? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Dual p3? AMD? please recommend?

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Original Message 1/4             06-Dec-00  @  07:41 AM   -   Dual p3? AMD? please recommend?


Posts: 137

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Hi there, thank you for reading.
I'm in a bit of a fix with my current setup (p2-300) and so I'm looking to upgrade, but not sure what way to go?
I'll tell you what I'm going to use the setup for first: sequencing a sampler and 2 synths and while the midi triggers my gear from the sequencer I'd like to record the gear into the computer in .wav in stereo, make any edits in soundforge, then burn it to cd. Nothing too crazy right?
So has anyone got any suggestions as to what to get? I'd be buying a a 7200rpm HD and at least 128 of ram, and keep in mind I need to get at least cubasis or micro logic. I'm shooting for a total of $800 or less.
Thank you for your input.

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Message 2/4             06-Dec-00  @  09:04 AM   -   RE: Dual p3? AMD? please recommend?


Posts: 137

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hmmm... After reading MANY horror stories of fellow posters building thier own pc's I think my plan may need revising.
Do you think I should just buy a new mobo and chip and hd, or get a whole new computer?
If it's the new computer route, how about custom configured pc's? is an example. (check the basic cubase model) looks resonable, no worries, and all extra hardware and software are there.
Any opinions?

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Message 3/4             07-Dec-00  @  04:40 AM   -   RE: Dual p3? AMD? please recommend?



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Be sure to check

I built my PC with NO worries whatsoever with that place as reference for under 400 bucks. I imagine with 800 or so, you could get a nice 900 Tbird cpu with some nice qualities in it. I advise 256 mb of ram if your gonna be comfortable in cubase.

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Message 4/4             07-Dec-00  @  05:37 AM   -   RE: Dual p3? AMD? please recommend?


Posts: 137

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How hard is it to upgrade the mobo and chip? I just see all these threads, like "F*ing computers...I'm never doing this again", and it makes me a bit hesitant to upgrade.
Is there someplace that can custom upgrade your computer for you? Or is it not all that hard to do?

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