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Subject: about the dynamic sound produce by analog syn

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Original Message 1/4             12-Nov-00  @  04:20 PM   -   about the dynamic sound produce by analog syn


Posts: 23

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i've heard thousand times that analogue synths got
more "balls" in the sound than soft synths... i mean
it's more dynamical and fat. so i asked from an expert,
what the hell is that dynamic anyway? he told me that
"the low frequencies are heard better in real synths
compared to soft. u can almost "feel" the sound. after
all, its real electronix that produces the sound in analog
synths, but in soft synths there's bunch of numbers doing that..."

now, i wan't to add that dynamic touch in to my sounds!
is it possible to do that in anyway eg. using plugin effects?
should i put all my sounds through some bass maximizer or
boost the low frequencies with equalizer or filter?
or is there any other way...


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Message 2/4             12-Nov-00  @  09:54 PM   -   RE: about the dynamic sound produce by analog syn


Posts: 7627

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probably only need to post this ONCE, friend 

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Message 3/4             13-Nov-00  @  11:12 AM   -   RE: about the dynamic sound produce by analog syn



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I believe digital synths are just as capable as analogue synths when it comes to generating low frequencies and dynamics.

It's what's _in_ the sound that can vary, though. The inexactness of analogue circuitry create tiny variations in the sound that give it a certain warmth, character, fatness, or whatever you wanna call it.

If your soft synth (or virtual analogue synth) models this behaviour, it can sound (to most ears) just as fat. If it doesn't, you can't add fatness with eq or anything else - it's an integral part of the sound from the very beginning.

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Message 4/4             14-Nov-00  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: about the dynamic sound produce by analog syn


Posts: 23

Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

thanks , buddy. i got the idea ;)

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