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Subject: ds-404

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Original Message 1/4             13-Aug-02  @  09:23 PM   -   ds-404


Posts: 2890

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anyone using this freebie vsti from computer music & muon software with logic?

trying to save a patch in logic is a nightmare.

actually, using the thing in logic is a nightmare. tweak a patch (nothing much just env) save it, and the patch reverts to the original (some of which are useless).

tweak a patch and save the logic song and the patch reverts. complete pain in the arse, which is a shame coz some of them are good. the filter on this is really nice btw.

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Message 2/4             19-Aug-02  @  04:33 PM   -   RE: ds-404


Posts: 1128

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The Rennie Pilgrem interview was cool. Did I understand this right.

He says that he only uses his sampler for drums cos it just don't sound right otherwise. BUt when you look at that screen shot of one of his arrangements, it showed kicks, snares, shkrs, etc in audio as an audio instrument track.

Does he record his drums in off the sampler into audio or run them from the sampler straight.

WHy don't you enter that TCR remix competition beds?

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Message 3/4             19-Aug-02  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: ds-404


Posts: 2890

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why don't you, drop? i've never entered one of those. why not, innit?

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Message 4/4             19-Aug-02  @  04:53 PM   -   RE: ds-404


Posts: 1128

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I would if I could program a decent bassline. :-)

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