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Subject: hard dicsk

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Feb-02  @  10:27 PM   -   hard dicsk



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I have run out of space on my 20 gig drive so was thinking of adding an extra 40 gig (IDE) onto it. i know a bit about these things but need to hear others opinions.

Is 7,200 rpm the fastest speed you can get? if not where can i buy a faster one

i cant go wrong with 8.5 ms access time ..right?

2 meg cache is ample?

have you heared of this barrocuda seagate beast? is it worth spending the extra? what would the advantages be over my spec above?

Do you know anywhere online (UK) i can get really cheap deals apart from or ??

am i asking too many questions?

Thanks, Mark

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Message 31/58             12-Jun-02  @  10:02 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk


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i know!

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Message 32/58             12-Jun-02  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk

Def Z


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Cool - just ordered a hard drive. Thanks!

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Message 33/58             22-Jun-02  @  01:20 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk

Def Z


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Okay - so my system isn't seeing my new hd. So I decide to format my existing hard drive. Problem is, I'm missing my boot disk (ahem). Must find boot disk or I'm hosed.

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Message 34/58             24-Jun-02  @  12:42 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk


Posts: 14

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Make one with the machine your using now

control panel > add remove programs > Startup disk

you probabaly know that, but some people niglect it.


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Message 35/58             24-Jun-02  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk


Posts: 7627

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not seeing your new drive? not even in bios?

are you sure you have it set to slave if its on the same bus as the old one? are you sure the power is on?

no offense intended. it happens 

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Message 36/58             25-Jun-02  @  03:11 AM   -   RE: hard dicsk

Def Z


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Fusion - there's no control panel for me now at this point. I do have the startup disk for 98 but there's no autorun on it or startup on it.

Influx - It's difficult to tell if the thing is on. I'm not sure how to know if the power cable is hooked up properly or if it even works. I did see an IDE drive in CMOS but it was for a 6.2 gig drive, not a 20 gig (which is what I have).

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Message 37/58             25-Jun-02  @  03:52 AM   -   RE: hard dicsk


Posts: 7627

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the 6 gig would be your old drive then?

the power..there is no way to hook it up "wrong" but you COULD have the IDE cable in wrong, or you COULD have it set to master (if the other drive is set to master on the same buss you wont see the 20 gig)

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Message 38/58             25-Jun-02  @  12:36 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk



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you ARE using a proper ata100 cable yes?.... it maybe that the two cant co-exist on the same bus too. I have an ata100 drive in a box with an older ata 33 drive and when I added it I had to put it on it's own bus to format it first, then it works only as slave with the cdrom as secondary so check the cable type is correct, put it on it's own bus (remove the cdrom if neccesary cos an older cdrom on the same bus might also cause it noit to be visible) - make sure that the bios is switched ON for that IDE slot you add it to and the bios ide slot is set to AUTO.

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Message 39/58             25-Jun-02  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk

Def Z


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I have a 9gig SCSI drive hooked up to the 2940uw Adaptec PCI controller. The SCSI drive is set as the boot drive. I tried hooking up the new IDE drive and while in CMOS, an IDE drive was located, but it was a 6.2gig drive. Perhaps my BIOS software can't see the whole drive? Anyhow - after having no luck getting the new IDE drive hooked up, I formatted the SCSI drive (using the SCSI utitily), and tried to do a clean install on the SCSI drive and worry about the new drive later. WHen I start up my computer with the startup disk from 98 (not a boot disk), I get a c: prompt. Doing a dir on it, I can see there is no setup or autorun.exe. When I try to install the OS using the cd, it says it can't detect my cd-rom (which is also SCSI). So I'm at a loss here... I should have paid someone to do this in the first place. I don't have the time to mess with this computer crap.

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Message 40/58             28-Jun-02  @  06:57 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk

Defector Z


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Okay - here's the deal. I had a friend come over last night, and we tried to work on it. It turns out that I was using the wrong cable for the drive. My board supports Raid, and the cable for the raid ide ports is _almost_ identical to a standard IDE cable. Because I couldn't tell the difference, I had plugged the new drive into the raid ports and the drive was not being detected during the hardware id portion of boot up. Sooooooo, we plugged the drive in correctly.

Now, when we tried to install the OS on the new drive, we found I couldn't load the OS onto the IDE drive because my cd-rom is SCSI and the floppy disk is recognized before the computer boots up the scsi drives and card. When I try to boot with cd support, the computer doesn't see the scsi drive and can't load the os from the scsi drive.

Soooooo - we pulled the ide cd-rom from my home computer, and plugged it in, but couldn't get the computer to accept the cd-rom drive and the hd on the same ide cable. It detected either one individually, but not at the same time. So we figured we could format my scsi hd and load the os onto that first (so I can start testing out Sonar), but when trying to do the install, the install stalls at "PCI bus scan completed". The cd-rom drives are loaded (Oak technology) but the process aborts at at "PCI bus scan completed".

Does anyone have any ideas? My 60 day trial period for Sonar is running out... Although having started RTFM, I can see that I'm gonna love it more than Cubase 3.7 and Wavelab 2 combined.

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