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Subject: xoxos softsynths

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Original Message                 Date: 23-Jun-02  @  08:35 PM   -   xoxos softsynths


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wow.. at 1am this mornig i took a bunch of floppy disks into my studio and installed all the soft synths i have been making... :p

i has low expectations, because the first one i did ('blaster') totally ate up my cpu, so i doubted i could use more than 6 or 7 synths..

well, today, i was running audio tracks and 13 instances of my synths (including one 'mystic,' which is sort of large) and hitting 40-50% on my cpu meter. i don't know what i did differently, but damn... i've got everythnig i need! tons of extra parts for my hardware..

...and if my drum synths aren't enough for you (sheesh does rockit sound good.. i really didn't expect that.. sounds like a freaking snare drum alright..) i'll have a little sampler up with some modulation oscillators sometime...

you try! you see! "tate it."

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Message 31/47             11-Jul-02  @  05:16 PM     Edit: 11-Jul-02  |  05:17 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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well for example, i could nt for the life of me stop some envlope stuff happening to the osc' so that i WANTED a sound to rise up or down, to be able to set that curve & depth, and polarity (up down) and also for the filter etc... simple & basic with obvious controls - so I can open it, and quickly make some sort of swooping woosh noise with ease and easily time that woosh swell & rise & fall so it perfectly lines up with the crescendo of what i'm trying to make it swell into


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 32/47             11-Jul-02  @  08:42 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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hmm.. i'll have to have a fiddle. it'd be nothing just to set up an oscillator (or stereo pair) and have 'em rise and fall with a filter, but coming up with some simple options to vary it up is the trick..

i mean you could wo a sawtooth lfo on the pitch and have it go blimblimblimbBLIMBLIMBLIM but that's sound the same each time.. so you'd get bored of using it.. then if you want another lfo or an envelope to vary the rate of the lfo (which is one of my preferred textures) you could do that, but giving different options is where it starts to stretch into the huge front panels et c.

i'm sure i can find something sorta fun for a few thrills.. wire up knobs to tweak several things at once.. won't last forever, but a few decent tricks. any suggestions welcomed tho.

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Message 33/47             12-Jul-02  @  10:24 AM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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alright.. see my top secret email..

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Message 34/47             12-Jul-02  @  01:03 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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that's more like it!!... now please one with much much slower LFO speed for much slower wooshes


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 35/47             12-Jul-02  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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god you're picky.

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Message 36/47             15-Jul-02  @  02:29 PM     Edit: 15-Jul-02  |  09:42 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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i think Blip does what you need k, i made buncha wooshes with it.

ok XOXOS: i tested yer synths. every single one of them.

Thumper, the kick one, -totaly- rocks, excellent amount of subbass, i´ve been using it as a bassline thing. highly recomended.

ecs is excellent too, very good stereo claps.

the snare one, it is very good, but the presets are not really the kind i use, and i still havent gotten down to drum synthesis. still, it´d probly do the job for many applications.

the two hat synths sound a bit weird to me, always clangy, never as "hissey" as i´d like them to be. ok for weirder type of metallic percussion.

synths: i´ve played a bit with Blip last nite, made a simple bass sound. looks ok. the other two need some studying first. weird tones indeed.

one strange thing, your synths always have too much gain, i have to turn the faders down quite a bit. ok, i know i can turn down the "amp" knob too. but is this intentional or...?

oh, and another thing: the synths DO recall the correct presets with the song in Logic 5. bound to make you happy, that  

tnx x, m  

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Message 37/47             15-Jul-02  @  09:58 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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fuck! i need me some logicfive..

i patch 'em all on my little pc, so no clue what the gain is.. all i can say is *most* of the presets odn't distort.. the thing is.. when i'm patching 'em.. i hear the sound in little 1/2 second clips as my processor renders it..  

aah you're all nice. that shit is nothing. the new ones.. woowoo..  

i don't think the world is ready to handle them, so i'll spare you all..

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Message 38/47             15-Jul-02  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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here's a nice one that's a cinch to make in synthedit.. sequence triggers a mod envelope for nice enveloped modulations.. yum.. i ain't publishing this one..

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Message 39/47             25-Jul-02  @  09:06 AM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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Xoxos, when I try to install your softsynths, my PC tells me that doing so will corupt my computer :-( What am I doing wrong?

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Message 40/47             25-Jul-02  @  09:22 AM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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i'd say bothering me about it?

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