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Subject: ORION

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Nov-00  @  01:13 PM   -   ORION



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hey, they just sent me a review copy! - anyone interested ???

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Message 31/45             27-Nov-00  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: ORION



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yes, i want VST & Direct-x SEND fx too, i already asked them about adding that, i'm sure they will add it tho - i find the sequencer layout screen easier myself tho. also for now, like with the big-3 you can process a sound thru a insert fx then reload it as a sampler loop ! - AND IT LOADS AND PLAYS ALL FORMAT WAV FILES INCLUDING MPG... direct loading of mpeg audio into sampler & drumboxes !!

last night i tried the SC-Developments sc-drums & the sc-monopoly & the sc-sh101 - wow !! - that sh101 is amazingly good... genuine sounding fat pumping sh101 sub-bass patterns... you'd know the sound i mean if you heard it... (and it's a red sh101 ha ha!!)

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Message 32/45             28-Nov-00  @  04:43 AM   -   RE: ORION



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waldorf plugin works great and is less hungry than the other plugins ive tried, also Im waiting (rather impatiently) for SimSynth to become a vst plugin or at least polyphonic, because you just cant get those glassy yummy sounds from anywhere else

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Message 33/45             28-Nov-00  @  01:50 PM   -   RE: ORION



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i'm currently saving up for a new computer and i've been leaning towards a mac because i want to go the digi 001 route. any plans for a mac version of ORION? anyone know of any similar s/w for mac other than Koblo?

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Message 34/45             28-Nov-00  @  06:59 PM   -   RE: ORION



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i'm rather interested to try one of those new compaq prolinea rack mount slimline servers - 1U rack depth !!!!!!! - it MUST be quiet.. now imgine that !!! - a rack with your prolinea server, patchbay, aidio i/o rack.... sorted with an LCD screen !!! - wow !!!

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Message 35/45             28-Nov-00  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: ORION



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here's a loop

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Message 36/45             29-Nov-00  @  11:16 PM   -   RE: ORION



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I'm sure the PRO version, which is said to ship next month, will have all the features on everybody's wish list. I think the mixer should have some groups and a seperate sub mixer window like vst.

It does sound amazing...

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Message 37/45             30-Nov-00  @  09:36 AM   -   RE: ORION



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Where can I get info on the Pro version?
I've tried everywhere...

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Message 38/45             30-Nov-00  @  11:12 AM   -   RE: ORION



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found this about Orion Pro:

"The full version will be below $100, haven't yet decided whether the
MultiOut/ASIO thing (if implemented) will go separately. If yes,
then the upgrade would be cheaper.

here's the feature-list (subject to change!)

- MIDI generator
- Audio tracks in playlist
- Groove Slicing in sampler (maps slices to keys)
- Arpeggiator for all modules (except drums, but including VST2)
- new high-quality Reverb effect
- new high-quality distortion effect (includes a gain control, Bones 
- X-Delay effect

and maybe:
- more sends
- multi-outs/ASIO
- extended drum module, possibly later (might go into 1.6/1.7 as well)

One thing the pro version will NOT do is deliver great performance-
if you want that, gotta wait for 1.7, or get a new CPU  
The goal of the pro version(s) is really to get it pro, not fast.
Just mentioning it, in case people get over-excited  )
Note that this affects the Reverb/Distortion effects alone, the
rest works just as fast as Orion, also the multiout shouldn't cause
major performance penalty."

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Message 39/45             30-Nov-00  @  04:46 PM   -   RE: ORION



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wicked !!... seperate outs !!!!.. heh heh - that really does take it into 'workstation' competition with the hardware workstations...

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Message 40/45             30-Nov-00  @  06:55 PM   -   RE: ORION



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Hell yes! Now if they just add real hard disk recording, it will be the only program I need! I still havn't been able to get REASON to work yet (rewire problems, their 'fix' program didn't work for me). Do you guys have that too? I would like to know how the sounds compare. Seem like they would make a pretty good team...

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