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Subject: Latency while using Orange Vocoder

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Original Message 1/5             06-Nov-02  @  10:57 AM   -   Latency while using Orange Vocoder


Posts: 2082

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I installed the Orange Vocoder yesterday and am using it in WaveLab 4.0... thing is, there's like 1 - 2 sec. of latency while in the live- input situation. I have hardly used the PC for this type of stuff untill now.. just mainly for recording. Any suggestions on getting direct vocoded output instead of first hearing my own voice over the monitors, followed by the vocoded one? It's damn irritating, yes it is. btw, using a sb live! soundcard.



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Message 2/5             06-Nov-02  @  11:53 AM   -   RE: Latency while using Orange Vocoder


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You do know about latency right? ;-)

SBLive isn't a card known for its pro-audio applications. Chances are its the latency inherant in the card and its drivers that's causing your situation.

Try it again in a card that has decent low latency implimentation (i.e. card AND drivers) - you should notice a difference.

Bear in mind, that even with low latency cards, the more complicated the audio processing the more welly its gonna take out of your CPU to get a result...

Hope this helps..


BTW, "cheap" low latency cards like the MAudio Audiophile2496 and STAudioDSP24 will do just fine.. ditch the SBLive! :-)

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Message 3/5             06-Nov-02  @  01:11 PM   -   RE: Latency while using Orange Vocoder


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Thanks Marc, will definately look into a new card. Somehow I was afraid of that being the reason from the start... ohh well, needed to be able to multitrack aswell.



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Message 4/5             06-Nov-02  @  02:11 PM   -   RE: Latency while using Orange Vocoder


Posts: 1584

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Multitrack as in multi-record?? You'll be wanting something like a Delta44/66 or an STAudio DSP2000 in the "budget" range of things then...

Damn fine hardware all of 'em!

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Message 5/5             06-Nov-02  @  02:22 PM   -   RE: Latency while using Orange Vocoder


Posts: 2082

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Cheers, I'll put them in-line with that Aardvark Q10 thing I was investigating some time ago...

*sound of coins falling out of his, now empty, wallet*


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