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Subject: XP Kicks ASS!

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Original Message 1/5             04-Mar-02  @  07:40 PM   -   XP Kicks ASS!

Chris K


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AMD 1.4 Ghz 266 FSB Asus A7V266 512Mb DDR 20Gb IBM 7200rpm HDD EMU APS + EDRIVE Russian XP WDM Drivers

Nuendo 1.52
Cubase 5r5

At last a pc that i can write music on without glitches crashes and lockups!

well chuffed

Plus it seems to run faster than win 98 se.....

What have i been doing wrong in the past is this how it is supposed to be!

when will the bubble burst!


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Message 2/5             04-Mar-02  @  08:42 PM   -   RE: XP Kicks ASS!



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cant wait meself - I've got XP Pro (non authorise version from a multi-licence pak) and Partition Magic... yeehaw!

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Message 3/5             05-Mar-02  @  09:54 AM   -   RE: XP Kicks ASS!


Posts: 2890

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oil b there in april, new soundcard mobo & processor. then it's goodbye to my 98 partition!

partition magic is cool but scary! it does it's mysterious work before windows loads, i'm always thinking it's gonna go wrong, never does tho.

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Message 4/5             05-Mar-02  @  03:29 PM   -   RE: XP Kicks ASS!



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yeah ha ha ha - i'm standing there with my finger over the 'resize partition' button... er... not yet.. sods law would make it up that one time i'm right up to it in coding jobs probably  

Sox showed me his new p3 1ghz lappy running XP - he says it's been crashless & stable, (but he cant get one driver he needs yet cos it's in beta) and it certainly ran a few bitz with ease he showed me. I guess the new memory management is the big thing for that, XP has a way superior loading protocol.

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Message 5/5             05-Mar-02  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: XP Kicks ASS!


Posts: 2707

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I agree. XP is stable, reliable, quick.. It looks good, and it's easy to get around in. I have not had any system crashes, although I have managed to bring down Sonar a couple times (with the cpu meter running like 92%), but other than that it's been great.


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