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Subject: Can my SBLIve! live with another card?

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Original Message 1/5             24-Nov-00  @  12:49 AM   -   Can my SBLIve! live with another card?



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The reason I ask is that my PC isn't just an audio PC, I like to do all sorts of things with it, including gaming. However, I want more audio ins/outs than the SB Live gives me. I haven't really done anything with it at all yet, but just reading about it and working things in my head, there just is no way the SB Live is going to cut it by itself. So can it live with another card under Windows 98? I have a free IRQ and PCI slot. And does anyone have any idea for a card that would suit me? I'd like to keep the cost minimal, which for me would be like <300 US.

Thanks guys.

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Message 2/5             24-Nov-00  @  01:46 PM   -   RE: Can my SBLIve! live with another card?



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Yes, it can, so long as its not a card with the same chipset; the EMU Audio Production Studio is the only card I know that does this. (out of interest, it is possible to have 2 SBLives running together connected to one another via the digital output but its fiddly).

As for which card, what do you want to do? how many inputs do want, do you want a decent synth onboard or have you got hardware / software etc. Sampler capabilities? You could try going through the postings here and checking out as many ratings sites as possible.

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Message 3/5             25-Nov-00  @  04:18 AM   -   RE: Can my SBLIve! live with another card?



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and why say 'it cant cut it'... cut it for what?.. you dont define what you want it for ?.. if you mean to record vocals or acoustic guitar etc over midi backing and mix it, then it's fine as long as you get a decent pre-amp mic amp like a joemeek or something... the sblive just provides analog in's, what you feed those makes the difference, if you use a decent rack or other mic-pre amp and send the feed OUT from that to the SBLive In, it'll be good enuff to press a club-level track from no worries... dont underestimate that sblive , i've heard it on my mates top-end system playing some soundfont kits and i was well impressed... it reminded me of listening to a drum sound thru a yamaha O1 dig mixer..

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Message 4/5             25-Nov-00  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: Can my SBLIve! live with another card?



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thanks for replies...well the main thing I wasn't getting was more 1/4 inch inputs, but i guess i really oughta suck it up and get a mixer. i've got a "real" synth and a number of soft ones too, with a smapler on the way soon, hopefully.
Prolly my biggest worry was quality, I haven't done any "serious" recording with it, but many people here on dt seem pretty disillusioned with it, reading past posts. Eventually, when i can actually put together a track i'd like to be able to record it on my PC.

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Message 5/5             25-Nov-00  @  06:27 PM   -   RE: Can my SBLIve! live with another card?



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what you have to remember is that people with bad opinion are more vocal... there is also people here running SBLive with aps and getting 8ms latency with asio, but true it's mme drivers are not so fast... um... if you got some outboard to route IN to your mix, what about a midiman delta?.. they do various config's with 4-16 inputs and it's a VERY well rated card-series.. i use a hoontech dsp1624, which works for me, i can play realtime reaktor or rebirth or orion or vst synths etc even on a 200mmx machine cos the card drivers are fast as fuck and the midi is also well integrated.. the low-power pc simply reduces polyphony/multitimbrelity depending on what's playing... actually i've almost given up using my sampler & drumboxes as the s/w ones are just so easy & good now... like those SC-drums in vst.. amazing!!... spot on triggering, any drums you like with wav samples.. wickedly good!!!

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