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Subject: cubase and soundforge

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Original Message 1/5             26-Jan-03  @  02:26 PM   -   cubase and soundforge


Posts: 42

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Ive moved up to cubase SX, but how come I cant run cubase and soundforge at the same time? I cant even run cubase and winamp or any other audio prog as Cubase eats up all the audio resourses.

So im running win2k, cubase sx, soundforge 6, yamaha sw1000xg + yamaha ds2416. I know its something to do with the asio drivers, but even if I check "release asio driver in background" it still doesnt work and anyway, cubase will cut out as soon as I switch the focus to annother prog. The DS2416 is clocked to the sw1000s internal clock so they run in sync.......any ideas?

I know im prolly being stupid.....

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Message 2/5             26-Jan-03  @  03:01 PM   -   RE: cubase and soundforge


Posts: 5701

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hm. my soundcard says it cant release asio drivers in background. possible with others but not with asio. maybe thats it.

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Message 3/5             26-Jan-03  @  06:50 PM   -   RE: cubase and soundforge


Posts: 7627

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just curious, but..why run soundforge and SX? SX has sufficient sample editing facilities.

and then..winamp? WHY?

but...the release driver in background would be what you want, but not all soundcards will go for it

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Message 4/5             27-Jan-03  @  05:28 AM   -   RE: cubase and soundforge


Posts: 76

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so you can listen to choons while working, very relaxing  

seriously i do the same thing: winamp to audition "phatloops" w/c are in mp3 format, and soundforge/recycle to bump them over to the sampler

have you clicked "play in background"? i always forget this after reinstalling

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Message 5/5             27-Jan-03  @  07:14 AM   -   RE: cubase and soundforge


Posts: 7627

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SX will audition them 

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