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Subject: hard dicsk

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Feb-02  @  10:27 PM   -   hard dicsk



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I have run out of space on my 20 gig drive so was thinking of adding an extra 40 gig (IDE) onto it. i know a bit about these things but need to hear others opinions.

Is 7,200 rpm the fastest speed you can get? if not where can i buy a faster one

i cant go wrong with 8.5 ms access time ..right?

2 meg cache is ample?

have you heared of this barrocuda seagate beast? is it worth spending the extra? what would the advantages be over my spec above?

Do you know anywhere online (UK) i can get really cheap deals apart from or ??

am i asking too many questions?

Thanks, Mark

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Message 51/58             02-Jul-02  @  02:08 AM   -   RE: hard dicsk

Def Z


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Yes, I am jinxed. Not sure what to do though. Can't afford a new system, as nice as that would be... My buddy was able to get things running though. He just had to mess things around quite a bit. He was able to install the OS, and I should have it back tomorrow night to start reinstalling software and hardware. Fun fun. Wish me luck.

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Message 52/58             02-Jul-02  @  02:15 AM   -   RE: hard dicsk

Def Z


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Yes, I am jinxed. Not sure what to do though. Can't afford a new system, as nice as that would be... My buddy was able to get things running though. He just had to mess things around quite a bit. He was able to install the OS, and I should have it back tomorrow night to start reinstalling software and hardware. Fun fun. Wish me luck.

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Message 53/58             02-Jul-02  @  02:16 AM   -   RE: hard dicsk

me again...


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Sorry about the double post...

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Message 54/58             02-Jul-02  @  03:09 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk


Posts: 12353

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hmm... can I ask.,.. these ide drives are older right or at least the cdr drive is older right - are you trying to wire them to this newer ata66 board using the newer ata100 cable which came with the new ide ata100 drive??... it might not work with the cdr & newer cable - sometimes youi CANNOT run an older drive on the new ata ribbon cable at the same time as a newer ata100/66 drive... try an OLDER style ide ribbon cable


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 55/58             02-Jul-02  @  11:03 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk

def z


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The ide cd-rom that I plugged in is from a 4 year old compaq. The IDE cable is old, and the ide drive is new. I believe the ide cable came with the mobo when I bought it 2 years ago.

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Message 56/58             16-Jul-02  @  11:43 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk

Def Z


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Just to update - the pc is working fine for now (knock on wood). Both drives going smoothly, new software and OS playing really nicely together. Now if I could only write something decent... :-(

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Message 57/58             17-Jul-02  @  03:23 AM   -   RE: hard dicsk


Posts: 7627

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didnt you just finish an album?


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Message 58/58             27-Jul-02  @  03:00 PM   -   RE: hard dicsk

Defector Z


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Okay - I just got back from vacation. :-)

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