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Subject: midi controlled automation

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Original Message 1/6             14-Nov-02  @  08:21 PM     Edit: 14-Nov-02  |  08:25 PM   -   midi controlled automation


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that was as a stupid question.

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Message 2/6             14-Nov-02  @  08:33 PM   -   RE: midi controlled automation


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"As the input condition set: | Status: Control | Cha: All | -1-: 1 |. As the output operation set the event type to: | Status: Fader | Cha: 2 | -1-: 7 |.

In this setup the modulation wheel will control the es poly filter cutoff of the respective instrument2

well, i can't see the status : fader in the output operationbit.

any clues? i want to map controller 21 to something on the tape delay. any clues?

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Message 3/6             14-Nov-02  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: midi controlled automation


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here i am talking to myself again. ok so it was FIX then Fader.

so, how do i know which number correspond to the different bits of synths and fx then? like it's cha : 2 / -1- : 7 for the cutoff in esm.

apart from going through them all and seeing what it does,

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Message 4/6             14-Nov-02  @  09:55 PM   -   RE: midi controlled automation


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i say screw that transformer... i just use a fader or a switch. set input and output CC´s and thats it. unless you know of a reason why transformer is better?

as for whats what on a synth, thats the biggest problem if you ask me... i guess you could draw in some automation in the track and than look it up in the event list to see which CC shows up.

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Message 5/6             15-Nov-02  @  10:59 AM   -   RE: midi controlled automation


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but the automation doesn't show up in the event list coz it's not based on cc is it?

and another thing, it's a bit slow in reacting to the knobs on my proteus. bah!

and another thing, could i make my knob which gives out 1 - 127 (oo-er) control a smaller range on say, the delay feedback. so that 1 - 127 controls 30% to 60% or something. hmm?

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Message 6/6             15-Nov-02  @  12:53 PM   -   RE: midi controlled automation


Posts: 5701

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umm... wasnt there a range limiter or something in the enviroment? i *think* it can be done.

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