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Subject: i hate midi

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Original Message 1/6             06-Oct-02  @  06:16 AM   -   i hate midi



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I have 2 soundcards installed my computer: the stock sound blaster and an Audiophile Delta 24/96. For audio, I just use the Delta, but for MIDI I need the soundblaster for certain software since it has the built in GS sound set (or whatever it is). Ever since I installed the Delta, I can't seem to get any MIDI sounds to come out of the soundblaster....both drivers are installed and reported as working. Is there a way I can get both to work in harmony? I can't disable the Delta MIDI driver because I plug into that card for recording from my keyboard controller. Any thoughts?

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Message 2/6             06-Oct-02  @  11:24 AM   -   RE: i hate midi


Posts: 12353

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yeah - assign the track output in your sequencer to the required midi port - simple.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/6             06-Oct-02  @  12:23 PM   -   RE: i hate midi



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Don't blame midi. Except for a few glitches midi is pretty straightfoward. Originally it was a proprietary system designed to work between different pieces of midi gear without much use of computers. Computers on the other hand IMHO still suck by comparision. I hate constantly wondering things like. Does this $500.00 piece of software I want to buy have drivers for X version of Windows? Will this sound card conflict with this or that hardware? Will I have Latency issues? Can I run this plug-in with this sequencer, ect. ect. ect. Things have gotten better over the years and I use a simple computer sequencer with my beloved (HARDWARE) with few problems. I have a few softsynths I use sometimes as well. Call me a dinosaur but I like simplicity. Remember the goal of music toys is to create music not endlessly screw with an annoying quagmire of software, hardware conflict issues. I know there are plenty of people who enjoy their computer sofware studios and get good results and thats great. For me I still think all the conflict issues are far from ironed out unless you build your system from the ground up and use it for just music. Of course everyone has their own preferences. Midi is the original plug and play.


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Message 4/6             06-Oct-02  @  07:39 PM   -   RE: i hate midi



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tried that...ain't happenin. Still no sound

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Message 5/6             06-Oct-02  @  08:04 PM   -   RE: i hate midi


Posts: 4573

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double click the speaker icon to open up the mixer and make sure that MIDI is unmuted and turned up. If you don't see it, go to Option/Properties and check mark it to make it appear in the mixer.

Do you get any audio coming out of the SB?


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Message 6/6             07-Oct-02  @  11:39 AM   -   RE: i hate midi



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Have you tried just using the soundblaster for midi input and output? I think its Midi in (330). I had an sw1000xg and a soundblaster in my computer and the midi on the soundblaster worked far smoother than the $500.00 Yamaha card. You might also experiment with midimapper. You might also have an irq conflict or something.

good luck.

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