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Subject: midi interface for a lappy

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Original Message 1/6             26-Feb-02  @  06:23 AM   -   midi interface for a lappy


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I need a cheap midi USB interface for my
Powerbook G3. One that works really good
(low latency), and is comaptible with Sound
Driver, Logic, Cubase, etc..

any ideas? thanks

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Message 2/6             26-Feb-02  @  08:31 AM   -   RE: midi interface for a lappy


Posts: 7627

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low latency? uh...are there different specs?

midiman 4x4 here. never had a single problem with it.

seen em for $100. Id say thats cheap

and dammit can we PLEASE stop calling them lappys? just too fuckin cute for this one

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Message 3/6             26-Feb-02  @  04:09 PM   -   RE: midi interface for a lappy



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heh, latency.

I guess midiman would be the obvious call but some folk have had serious issues with theirs even though influx hasn`t. Really, you`d be better off just deciding on either logic or dp3 and using the respective manufacturers own interface ......Steinbergs one is just a midman 2x2 in a different case, right? Either way, I`d say its best to stay away from steinberg stuff on a mac.

btw, I`m using a tascam us428 thing with my ibook600, works a charm even though I have to run oms and sounds great too. I know thats more than you can spend but sometimes its worth saving up some.

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Message 4/6             26-Feb-02  @  06:38 PM   -   RE: midi interface for a lappy



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There's a lot of cheap midi keyboards with usb now so if you don't need control a lot of hardware they make sense. I'm using the oxygen 8 myself. As far as interfaces go I'd try to get one from the maker of your sequencer if that's an option. Both steinberg and emagic have models out that aren't too expensive. Supposedly you'll get better timing.

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Message 5/6             27-Feb-02  @  10:23 AM   -   RE: midi interface for a lappy



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thanks guys.

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Message 6/6             27-Feb-02  @  08:32 PM   -   RE: midi interface for a lappy


Posts: 7627

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whats funny did this end up in the SOUNDCARD forum?

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