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Subject: VST & REASON - rewire

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Original Message 1/6             05-Mar-02  @  11:21 PM   -   VST & REASON - rewire



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Ok I have been reading so much about the awesome capabilities of the CubaseVST 5.0r6/Reason 1.0.1 combo that I took the time to get the demos of the two apps and install them to see if this stuff actually works like people say.
While on their own Cubase and Reason are nice, the two progs will not work as advertised using rewire. Opening Cubase and then opening reason results in reason being in "rewire mode" and the 64 reason channels being present in VST but the two progs will NOT track each others Xport movements at ALL(i.e. press play in reason, nothing happens. No params like tempo or seq window settings follow.)
I have done all the following to attempt to get them to work together;
Running win98SE
REX Shared Lib ver = (in windows dir)
REX Shared Lib ver = (cubasedemo dir)
Rewire DLL ver = (in windows dir)
VST Play in Background option is checked
ASIO Soundcard driver is being used in VST latency = ~3sec

Anyone have any clues here? I hear this stuff is "just supposed to work". So far that doesnt appear true. Unless the maybe the demo versions wont allow this ????

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Message 2/6             06-Mar-02  @  04:59 PM   -   RE: VST & REASON - rewire



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that's an odd one... i dunno if the demo allows it as you say, i've set this combi up on numerous clients machines and never had a problem. But VST I think has to be added first. all I can think is that mebbe either vst or reason you might have installed and re-installed possibly?... i'd say it's erroneous asio settings in your registry mebbe...

But for best use of reason in vst you DONT want reason to sync to VST, you want to sequence the reason generators in VST sequencer as if they were VSTi's - does THAT work?

if you open Reason then go to your column in VST track headers where you select the destination for the track output, you can select the Reason sound-generators which should appear automaticaly as if you has added them to VST's 'VST Instruments' panel.

Do they appear like that? - There's an article in ARTICLES Section here about running VST/Reason like that. THAT is the best.. vst sequencing & Reason sounds...

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Message 3/6             06-Mar-02  @  08:43 PM   -   RE: VST & REASON - rewire



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The reason sound gen's dont show up anywhere in the VST interface. And yes when I first installed, VST went in first and then reason. I did try UN-installing both a couple of times to see if something just got broken on the installation but REwire never worked the way I have been told it is supposed to work (i.e. running the reason sound gen's directly thru the REason HW interface in rewire mode to VST.) The really crazy part is that the 64 chans of Reason rewire I/O's show up in VST but transport controls and the "interactivity" between the programs which is supposed to occur is dead.

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Message 4/6             06-Mar-02  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: VST & REASON - rewire

Brett B


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there is a fix that comes with reason for protecting against that. The reason channels should only show up in the amount you have activated in the black and green rewire menu in cubase. If all 64 channels are being assigned to Reason, no tracks or channels are left for cubase. So go to the Reason directory and click the cubase fix thing. other than that, I don't know what else to tell ya.

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Message 5/6             07-Mar-02  @  08:36 PM   -   RE: VST & REASON - rewire



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Yes I saw that in the faqs on someones site (propheads I think). I did play with that "cubasefix" file which did limit the number of reason rewire I/O's that showed up on VST's rewire roster to 16 as advertised. However, everything else remained the same. No matter... I have given up on it. Tried everything that I could find to make it work but it wont.. Maybe the demos have those features disabled. Who knows. I sent mail to Steinberg/Props asking about it but got no response. Glad I didnt waste money on it!

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Message 6/6             07-Mar-02  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: VST & REASON - rewire



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well, mebbe try a different rewire dll -

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