aaa DirectX8.0 Gold - friend or foe? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: DirectX8.0 Gold - friend or foe?

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Original Message 1/6             11-Nov-00  @  05:43 PM   -   DirectX8.0 Gold - friend or foe?



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Just downloading DX8.0... Should I inflict this 11MB beasty on my computer or not? Directsound has apparently been 'improved' - could this be the iteration that proves the AudioX lobby's case? (Mixed feelings about this happening as IMHO DirectX is much more proprietary than ASIO or EASI despite TheDirectXFiles' protestations).

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Message 2/6             13-Nov-00  @  06:55 AM   -   RE: DirectX8.0 Gold - friend or foe?



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DirectSound/DirectMusic has changed a lot in DX8, now it's mainly for games, I don't think that music apps using it will appear soon.
DirectSound is as proprietary as Asio, but you *can't* patch Asio to add your own features, & you can't use Asio without permission. Everyone can use DirectX, & because of the COM architecture you can add your own private features to it. So for any PC programmer, DirectSound is better (of course it doesn't exist on macs)

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Message 3/6             13-Nov-00  @  11:01 AM   -   RE: DirectX8.0 Gold - friend or foe?



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log, I've got plenty of ideas for plugins, and have plenty of experience with C++ as well as COM; do you have an idea of where I should look for information on how to get started writing DX plugins?

I tried MSDN, but I can only find info on ACMs and stuff... *sob*

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Message 4/6             13-Nov-00  @  12:52 PM   -   RE: DirectX8.0 Gold - friend or foe?


Posts: 424

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I've heard great things about the cakewalk plugin designer or tool or something.

check the link above, I think I found the info on there somewhere.

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Message 5/6             13-Nov-00  @  04:29 PM   -   RE: DirectX8.0 Gold - friend or foe?


Posts: 178

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Downloaded and installed dx8 this morning. Seems to have cleared up a couple of problems with the Cubase Full Duplex Direct X driver I was having.


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Message 6/6             13-Nov-00  @  05:40 PM   -   RE: DirectX8.0 Gold - friend or foe?



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what you have to know is that writing DX plugins is much more difficult that writing VST plugins. It's always the same problem with SDK's from microsoft since they plan everything & always make general (DirectX plugins are not just for audio) & expandable stuff (not to have the same shit as in the past . The downside is that it makes it more difficult to use.

btw, DirectX plugins have in fact nothing to do with DirectX. They're part of DirectShow. DirectShow is not part of DirectX.

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