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Subject: logic controller - Anybody got /it?

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Original Message 1/6             04-Oct-02  @  01:12 AM   -   logic controller - Anybody got /it?



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I'm thinking about getting Logic 5 and the controller for it. I've been hardware for a zillion years, but just recently decided to go software for sequencing and such. Having real faders and knobs seems like a must for mixing to me...

Anybody used/got the Logic controller? What do you think?

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Message 2/6             04-Oct-02  @  12:05 PM   -   RE: logic controller - Anybody got /it?


Posts: 12353

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i dunno I'd wait and get the generic version - isnt mackie making a generic version now?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/6             04-Oct-02  @  04:21 PM   -   RE: logic controller - Anybody got /it?


Posts: 2890

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doesn't work with logic apparently

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Message 4/6             04-Oct-02  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: logic controller - Anybody got /it?



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Why get a generic, K?

In case I use something other than logic later down the line?

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Message 5/6             07-Oct-02  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: logic controller - Anybody got /it?


Posts: 151

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I got one!

The logic control is amazing! Every feature of logic v5 can be accessed from the control. I don't use the nouse hardly at all, I can work much faster with less fatigue and get better ideas down. If your used to mixing on a desk then this is the best it gets on a DAW.

The mackie control is exactly the same as the LC HOWEVER they have designed the boot loader (on an EPROM in the unit) differently deliberately in the LC and MC so you can't use them as the same thing. SHIT I know.

I bought mine 4 days before the APple bomb was dropped. Works great however I would consider the SAC-2K which has great support in Cubase SX Nuendo Sonar ect and has a special Logic control emulation mode. whihc apparently works perfectly. I expect that as the Mackie control support improves in Cubase Nuendo Sonar etc then expect the SAC-2K to get MC emulation as well.



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Message 6/6             08-Oct-02  @  06:36 PM   -   RE: logic controller - Anybody got /it?



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Sounds good, Stvy!

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