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Subject: DSP Factory owners...

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Original Message 1/7             29-Jan-02  @  07:36 PM   -   DSP Factory owners...


Posts: 4573

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I've recently had a HD crash and had to reinstall everything. In the course of doing that, I came across this problem with the AudioX driver that I ran into before.... problem is I can't remember how I solved it before.

When I go to install the DSP Factory AudioX driver for Cakewalk/Sonar, it results in this error code and aborts the installation. Anyone else ever get this?


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Message 2/7             30-Jan-02  @  04:51 PM   -   RE: DSP Factory owners...


Posts: 2707

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Yeah, I had gotten that too, but I forget how I got it to go away... I assume you've tried rebooting the machine, and that the DSP Factory hardware drivers are in place? What OS? MME or WDM driver?


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Message 3/7             30-Jan-02  @  05:24 PM   -   RE: DSP Factory owners...


Posts: 4573

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I've tried pretty much all versions of the MME and DirectX drivers (I'm running 98SE) right up to the newest ones, checking my registry each time for references to the card and deleting them. No help. I've got an email out to Cakewalk, but I bet someone here can solve it faster....

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Message 4/7             31-Jan-02  @  04:56 PM   -   RE: DSP Factory owners...


Posts: 2707

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You installed the hardware drivers before Cakewalk, yes? The only thing I can think of would be to uninstall Cake/Sonar, uninstall audio drivers. Reinstall audio drivers, then Cake/Sonar, then AudioX console.. But you probably could've figured that out by yourself  


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Message 5/7             06-Feb-02  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: DSP Factory owners...


Posts: 4573

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Solved it.

My driver wasn't installed correctly. Turns out you really DO have to run the setup.exe that comes with the driver, not just point to the .dll when installing new hardware. If not, the mixer .dll won't install. Guess I was making things more difficult for myself than I had to.


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Message 6/7             06-Feb-02  @  09:55 PM   -   RE: DSP Factory owners...


Posts: 2707

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Doh, no that I think about it I think that was my problem too.

I don't usually trust manufacturer's installers for drivers either ;)


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Message 7/7             24-Feb-02  @  07:14 AM   -   RE: DSP Factory owners...



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

you need to install the dignostic software that came with your card, or get it here install this then install the audiox driver.

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