aaa how do I make this crap stop - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: how do I make this crap stop

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Original Message 1/7             21-Feb-02  @  03:59 AM   -   how do I make this crap stop


Posts: 1675

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This just started happening. on startup sometimes I get


so I reboot in safe mode, restart from there and all is fine except all the desktop icons are rearranged. what to do then? some of you guys are good with winders (it's 98se), right?

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Message 2/7             21-Feb-02  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: how do I make this crap stop


Posts: 2890

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ummmmm, try running diskcheck on your drives, and check the box for "scan for and attempt recovery..." you might have a corrupt driver. (kinda like a dodgy chauffer)

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Message 3/7             21-Feb-02  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: how do I make this crap stop


Posts: 7627

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nah...someone did this once. Kilo knows the solution.

if youre impatient you could search for windows protection error in the text messages...

I thought you ran a mac?

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Message 4/7             21-Feb-02  @  12:44 PM     Edit: 21-Feb-02  |  12:45 PM   -   RE: how do I make this crap stop


Posts: 1584

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This error can be caused in a variety of ways unfortunately - one of which is when your memory isn't functioning correctly...

One of my 256MB Memory sticks kind of died a little while ago leaving me with 128Mb on that particular stick.. the overall system reported 384Mb approx and did run... but also crashed out occasionally with the error message you mentioned above. Only solution was to get working stable mem back in the machine..

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Message 5/7             21-Feb-02  @  01:52 PM   -   RE: how do I make this crap stop


Posts: 12353

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does your bootlog.txt file (on C: drive root) show any errors/failures?

look for an "InitFailure" or "LoadFailure" message.

you must have changed something on the PC for it to 'suddenly' start doing this innit??


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/7             21-Feb-02  @  01:55 PM   -   RE: how do I make this crap stop


Posts: 12353

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here's a bit of my bootlog - notice how EACH entry for loading or initialising etc has a duplicate 'SUCCESS' line - all loads must have this second 'succeed' line accompanying it - so that's where you'll see any error.

[000CBA88] Loading Vxd = vkd

[000CBA88] LoadSuccess = vkd

[000CBA88] Loading Vxd = vdd

[000CBA88] LoadSuccess = vdd

[000CBA88] Loading Vxd = vflatd

[000CBA88] LoadSuccess = vflatd






I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/7             21-Feb-02  @  03:51 PM   -   RE: how do I make this crap stop


Posts: 1675

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I'd have to look at the bootlog after a bad bootup, right? not when it boots OK.

Influx: mac at work for design shit, pc at home for music shit.

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