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Subject: missing plug ins

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Original Message 1/7             28-Nov-00  @  11:35 PM   -   missing plug ins



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Hello everybody.

I reinstalled cubase 3.7 last week and also reinstalled a set of plugins I had. When I relaunched cubase it could not find the plugins. I reinstalled the plugins, and when I did this the installer siad they were already there!
I looked in the folder but couldn't see any.

I then started cubase again and the plug ins didn't appear.

any suggestions? I am using VST on a pc.



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Message 2/7             29-Nov-00  @  01:01 PM   -   RE: missing plug ins



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File?:  No file

you gotta remove all entries from your registry & then re-istall everything from scratch

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Message 3/7             29-Nov-00  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: missing plug ins



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Thanks K!

Could you just tell me how I remove all entries from the registry?



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Message 4/7             29-Nov-00  @  06:57 PM   -   RE: missing plug ins



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nope... if you dont know you'll fuck it up, get someone who knows.

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Message 5/7             29-Nov-00  @  07:02 PM   -   RE: missing plug ins



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well mebbe thats a bit harsh.... but.... do i want to be responsible for your fucked up pc ?.. nope :{

if you get a copy of REGCLEAN (try, it's free & written by Microsoft team) that creates a REG' backup file that you can activate IF all goes wrong - grab that...

save all your vst songs to a safe place and all files & samples etc in the VST directory... now remove VST & the plugins (if insalled seperately to the vst included plugs)... totally remove VST & the plugs... now install & run REGCLEAN - it'll create a reg file in it's own dir... the reg file will be titled as the NAME of your PC & the date...

when you got all that done ask me what to do next...

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Message 6/7             29-Nov-00  @  09:03 PM   -   RE: missing plug ins



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File?:  No file


thanks. I'll try on the weekend. Could you tell me the next stage now so I can do it all then?



ps. do you remember that sysex problem I mentioned before. I am still stuck, any ideas? thanks

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Message 7/7             30-Nov-00  @  04:53 AM   -   RE: missing plug ins



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File?:  No file

sysex?.. no sorry..

ok.. after removing everything, doing the regclean & rebooting a few times to check all is ok, go to START/ RUN - and type in the box: REGEDIT

REGEDIT opens - it sorta looks like a pc directory browsing and uses the same sorta protocol of branches etc...

ok go to: EDIT / FIND - and type in: VST

now this is the bit where you want to be careful....

it might find first something called: 'vst activemovie plugin wrapper' on the right screen area, and on the left you'll see the directory structure has jumpred to wherever this first instance is found...

alternatively it may find a folder titled: vst...

ok, the activemovie wrapper... if you scroll down or up on the left directory area you'll see an open folder which MAY be a long string of numbers&letters... ok.. expand this folder whatever it is titled

as long as everything in that folder references VST, the delete the whole lot & all the sub-keys... eveything iside the opened foder can go - in this instance of the vst activemovie wrapper the directory is a string and inside that 3 other directories are all vst referencing

so... go thru like that , only deleting vst references and expand on that structuraly... any folder you encounter who's contents is vst related can go & it's contents IF all are vst related... you are mostly going to find lots of active movie examples......

if you find a vst reference inside a directory which has other folder with other than VST entries, be careful... only delete the VST keys

finaly search thru again, to be sure, and close regedit

Tip: when searching - pressing key: F3 is 'find next'

anyways once that is done, there is ONLy going to be the NEWLY added vst references when you re-install - there will be no erroneous previous references pointing bits to the wrong bits and places to the wrong places :7[

when youve done all that, close down, reboot, run regclean again... then add your vst stuff... oh, this is all about de-installing eveything remember so backup/move any files as i said inside your vst directories cos they we want to get rid of those, remove the whole lot and start again...

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