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Subject: Moving CUBASE from MAC to PC....

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Original Message 1/7             13-Nov-00  @  03:38 PM   -   Moving CUBASE from MAC to PC....



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Here's the spec - I have a project studio at home. An old mac with Cubase 2.5 loaded. I write all my stuff there.
Ive just started mixing my stuff down with an engineer in a large soho studio with a view to putting it on lovely vinyl.

At the studio they have a PC with Cubase ver 5 r1. We've decided to start with some simple tracks that only use cubase and the sampler (s6000).

OK, so it seems that the only way to get the files from the mac to PC is to export them as midi files. Fine, done that, and loaded them into Cubase on the PC (File/Import), they go in OK. Loaded up the s600 multi OK too.

Hit play, and it sounds like ****. Sounds like either the samples have been slightly pitched up, or the tempo slightly lowered in Cubase.

We've checked the sample rate on the sampler, and it's the same. Now were' stuck.

Am I moving the files in the right way - how else can i do it other than export/import midi file... what am I missing cubase peeps?

Please help... I'll cre3dit ya on my first album, hows that?!



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Message 2/7             13-Nov-00  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: Moving CUBASE from MAC to PC....



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so what is actualy the problem?... you talk about audio files and midi files in the same sentence... i'm confused

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Message 3/7             13-Nov-00  @  04:19 PM   -   RE: Moving CUBASE from MAC to PC....



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Ok... the samples Im trigerring are loops.

The loops are not trigerring correctly from the PC. Sounds like the tempo in cubase has been slightly lowered.

Hard to explain... hope that makes sense :-)


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Message 4/7             14-Nov-00  @  01:34 AM   -   RE: Moving CUBASE from MAC to PC....



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are the loops ENDING before the bar ends making a gap in the loop/s, or are they playing back lower in pitch/longer in time from the smapler, or are they getting 'clipped' off before they get a chance to loop properly, like the next bar arrives before they get to fully complete ? - i mean it's not just the tempo is it?... cos if you exported a midifile it might be wanting to clock to a master clock in vst and mebbe the guy took it off?... still dont get the ACTUAL problem tho... but if it SOUNDS like the tempo was reduced then i assume you guys tried speeding it up... what happened then?... mebbe the akai's crapping out.. how did you get the samples into it.. mebbe they need re-tuning cos they changed slightly in the transfer... sorry i still dont get it exactly, why cant the engineer fix it if he's an engineer... ??

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Message 5/7             16-Nov-00  @  03:04 PM   -   RE: Moving CUBASE from MAC to PC....



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have u got the "Transp" function altered on your Mac version?

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Message 6/7             16-Nov-00  @  03:49 PM   -   RE: Moving CUBASE from MAC to PC....



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hey Yop - no the transp function has not been moved.

I mailed Steinberg about this and just had a reply - they recon that if I save the arrangement as a .arr file (I usually save as a song file), that i can open it OK on the PC...

anyone ever tried this?


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Message 7/7             18-Nov-00  @  09:59 PM   -   RE: Moving CUBASE from MAC to PC....


Posts: 7627

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.arr files are supposed to be cross platform.

I KNOW that it works from PC to mac. but Ive never tried it the other way.

worked from atari to pc, and atari to mac, too.

just opened the .arr and blam

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