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Subject: MSI AMD Dually

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Original Message 1/7             30-Nov-02  @  12:18 AM   -   MSI AMD Dually


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Ok, I'm thinking of upgrading my system. Here is the shit. I'm thinking of the MSI K7D Master (MS-6501) motherboard / mainboard (whatever ya wanna call it) and I wanna run two cheap durons 1.2 gig (can be had for like $70.00 canadian) at 100 mhz FSB until I can afford / price drops two XP/MP processors. If I look at the MSI main site link below it looks all fine and good FSB at 100 or 133 mhz:

BUT, then I look at the USA site (I'm in Canada btw)

and it says the FSB runs at 200 or 266 mhz.

Now if you look at the cpu support page it says the board only supports athlon on a 100 fsb?

I donno am I screwed with this plan. Is there a North American version and a Taiwan version of the board ? I donno the new Pro-rec roll your own is supposed to come out any day....

Thanks for any thoughts

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Message 2/7             28-Dec-02  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: MSI AMD Dually



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Not sure if your still interested (this thread is a bit old) but it might be a BIOS thing? Things like software controlled FSB are quite easy to up with BIOS updates, I'd imagine it probably will handle higher speeds.
Tho I wouldn't really bother with two Durons as they aren't capable of true dual threading (ie running different bits of the same code side by side) they do more of a fast time sharing thing. I THINK the MP's can true dual process tho, but not totally sure. Personally I'd watch e-bay for a couple of matched P3 Xeon's, be faster and are true SMP's or get a faster single CPU (less hasle) and wait for P4 hyper threading to be available, that is gonna make some SERIOUSLY fast machines  

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Message 3/7             29-Dec-02  @  01:12 PM   -   RE: MSI AMD Dually


Posts: 151

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I reckon its something to do with the fact that durons are 100MHz FSB but double pumped(==200MHz) just like the P IV is 100 MHz FSB but quad pumped (==400 MHz).

The Athlon XP's and MP's are 133MHz double pumped == 266MHz...

Should all work fine no problems.... Go over to the forums at to get ALL the info on dual CPU mobos and procs theres even plenty of threads on running dual durons so you should be sorted....



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Message 4/7             29-Dec-02  @  01:16 PM   -   RE: MSI AMD Dually


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BTW the way the Atlhon XP is the same as the MP with a bridge change which can be fixed I think that 1 of the dual AMD mobos even has a BIOS feature that you can use to stop it checking for MP and not XP's. The both run true SMP. And for music if its not VERY well SSE2 optimised (and little is) the Athlons smoke the P IV.....

Without modifcation the XP wont run dual...



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Message 5/7             30-Dec-02  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: MSI AMD Dually



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Cool! Thanks for the links / info. I actually have the $$ from the holidays to make the purchase. Hmmm
Now its the choice again:
actual monitors
new computer
new soundcard

but thats for another thread with much more details  


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Message 6/7             08-Jan-03  @  02:35 AM   -   RE: MSI AMD Dually


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Can I just say, every time I look at the topic of this thread, it gives me dirty thoughts. Surely you can all think of acronyms.

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Message 7/7             11-Jan-03  @  12:07 PM   -   RE: MSI AMD Dually


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thats just too sad!

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