aaa Cubase 5.0 error, need help! - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Cubase 5.0 error, need help!

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Original Message 1/8             15-Nov-00  @  04:06 AM   -   Cubase 5.0 error, need help!


Posts: 37

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I just got Cubase 5.0 from my friend, and I don't have the troubleshoot file- I installed it succesfully but when I try to run it, I get an error stating: "Cubase caused an error in cubase.exe, cubase must close, if this error occurs again try restarting". Something along those lines. Does anyone know what is causing this? If so some help would be appreciated!

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Message 2/8             15-Nov-00  @  01:27 PM   -   RE: Cubase 5.0 error, need help!



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try a real version

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Message 3/8             15-Nov-00  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: Cubase 5.0 error, need help!



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Try sucking your own nuts k.

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Message 4/8             15-Nov-00  @  09:45 PM   -   RE: Cubase 5.0 error, need help!



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ooh !! ouch... oooh.. i'm soooooo insulted...  

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Message 5/8             18-Nov-00  @  10:02 PM   -   RE: Cubase 5.0 error, need help!


Posts: 7627

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leeb. try going elsewhere you insolent little punk.

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Message 6/8             19-Nov-00  @  08:55 PM   -   RE: Cubase 5.0 error, need help!



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I`ve tried many a time to suck me own nuts and I`ll be buggered if I could ever manage it. Would be kinda nice if I could tho, I`d never have to leave the house.

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Message 7/8             20-Nov-00  @  08:06 AM   -   RE: Cubase 5.0 error, need help!



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Wasn't there a thread exactly like this last week? DUH! I've got a cracked copy of cubase but I haven't run the crack cos I is thick. Why doesnt't it work?
I could tell you exactly why it doesn't work, and how to get it going, but I don't think k would appreciate it. This isn't the place to discuss cracked software I'm afraid. If you need to try the full version before you buy it, you are better off getting on irc - I think there is a channel called #audiowarez on relic net or something, you'll have to check it out, I can't be arsed.

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Message 8/8             21-Nov-00  @  06:58 PM   -   RE: Cubase 5.0 error, need help!



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had a problem gettin my cubase to run, until i tried an older set of asio drivers....

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