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Subject: upgrading to xp?

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Original Message 1/9             15-Oct-02  @  08:19 PM   -   upgrading to xp?



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i want to upgrade to cubase SL but i need winxp or 2000, so the question is do i have to set all my soundcard settings etc on my pc or will they carry over to xp? (i'm currently using vst 5.1\winME\delta44.
I ask this as i'll have to get someone to redo all the settings as i didnt do them in the first place.

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Message 2/9             15-Oct-02  @  09:33 PM   -   RE: upgrading to xp?


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Upgrades to XP for me have gone without a hitch.


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Message 3/9             15-Oct-02  @  10:16 PM   -   RE: upgrading to xp?


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there are quite a few websites that tell you how to setup XP for audio

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Message 4/9             16-Oct-02  @  01:13 PM   -   RE: upgrading to xp?


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I think he's talking about using the Upgrade facility in XP rather than wiping the whole box and reinstalling clean...

Never tried it myself, I'd always go for a clean install but if the Craigster sez its ok then that's good enough for me.. ;-)

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Message 5/9             17-Oct-02  @  05:14 PM   -   RE: upgrading to xp?


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Yeah, I've done boxes both ways. I did an upgrade initially to test XP out, then when I decided to keep it I whacked the box and loaded it from scratch.

I always advice the whack-and-load approach, because you wind up getting rid of a lot of shit you don't need that's taking up space or CPU.


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Message 6/9             18-Oct-02  @  01:26 PM   -   RE: upgrading to xp?


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Un huh.. got those XP for music tweaks down sweet! Machine's purring like a purring thing.. :-)

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Message 7/9             11-Nov-02  @  10:46 AM   -   RE: upgrading to xp?


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YOu will need to change drivers for your audio card so whether you 'upgrade' to XP (I don't reccomend this, heard too many horror stories) or whether you blow your box away and install fresh (you only need to loose your C drive, I'd reccomend this) you will still need to reconfigure your sound card and setting.

Make sure you have ALL the XP drivers for your hardware before you start.

Good luck mate.

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Message 8/9             11-Nov-02  @  11:09 AM   -   RE: upgrading to xp?


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I see you've finally stopped "lurking" RAT..?? :-)

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Message 9/9             11-Nov-02  @  11:34 AM   -   RE: upgrading to xp?


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he's registered and everything! - yup tha's the conclusion we're coming too - IF your soundcard company has sorted drivers, then fine... but bearing in mind that XP will use SLIGHTLY more resources than 98 so you need a beefy PC - BUT, IF your soundcard company DOESN'T 100% have the drivers sorted, then don't bother.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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