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Subject: trim all faders?

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Original Message 1/9             14-Jul-02  @  11:23 PM   -   trim all faders?


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there must be a way to move all faders in logic mixer by the same amount, right? i first thought of this when i got a call from a guy who had like 60 tracks to gigasampler via logic, and needed to pull them all down a bit because of clipping. so...anybody know how?

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Message 2/9             15-Jul-02  @  02:23 AM   -   RE: trim all faders?


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I was wondering the same in cubase 

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Message 3/9             15-Jul-02  @  09:37 AM   -   RE: trim all faders?


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easy. shift + click on the faders. i usually click on the name on the bottom of the fader.

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Message 4/9             15-Jul-02  @  11:26 AM   -   RE: trim all faders?


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logic rocks! tnx beds  

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Message 5/9             15-Jul-02  @  07:54 PM   -   RE: trim all faders?


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One question I've had though, is that since the faders are more sensitive near zero, aren't you in effect changing the volume by different amounts by moving them all by the same increment? that is unless all of the faders are set to be at the same level. Correct?

Like you can't move a track from -12db to -10db and expect the volume change to correlate with a track that has been adjusted from 0db to 2db?


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Message 6/9             15-Jul-02  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: trim all faders?


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aaah... but it does! it moves faders by the same amount in db, it does. my little cuddlywuddlyproggie you... erm... nevermind  

you see... since the faders on the screen are only interpretation of what goes on in your pc, it wouldnt make sense to move them by same visual amount anyway. or somthing like that. anyway, it does what it does, and it does the right sort of trimming.

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Message 7/9             16-Jul-02  @  03:22 PM   -   RE: trim all faders?


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are you saying that your understanding is that the faders do, in fact, change relative to their positions? Like when you select them all and change one, the others don't change by that same amount?

I'm not sure that I'm clear what your saying.

I been working with it the past few weeks and thought that I convinced myself that you lose the relative balance of the tracks when you move them all together...


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Message 8/9             16-Jul-02  @  06:29 PM   -   RE: trim all faders?


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well go and see: select several faders, grab one, pull down quite a bit, and watch what the others are dong. youŽll notice that they mmove by a much smaller amount the lower they go. and if thats not enough, watch the numbers on the faders man!

ah... just use your ears...

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Message 9/9             17-Jul-02  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: trim all faders?


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Well, I thought that I had done that. Tried it a few times because I was thinking it should work like you say.. Maybe I was just confused..

And I did use my ears (not very experienced) and it sounded like I was funkin' things up.. but like I said maybe I was just confused..

I'll take your word for it and go through it again.
Thanks for the clarification Milan.


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