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Subject: rex programing

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Original Message 1/9             20-Feb-02  @  02:50 AM   -   rex programing


Posts: 55

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Hey, Now that I'm pretty comfortable with the ReDrum, I'm starting to learn the rex playa, just wondering if anyone out there has any tips they've come across in trying it out. Thanks.

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Message 2/9             20-Feb-02  @  07:12 PM   -   RE: rex programing



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copy rex loop to track.

get user groove.

apply user groove to other parts.

delete every other slice from REX sequencer track.

open another Dr Rex. with the same beat and transpose it/filter it.

its ALL about the decay.

OMFG this program is fun!   good luck dave.

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Message 3/9             20-Feb-02  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: rex programing


Posts: 55

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kewl, but why would you delete the Rex sequencer track slices, and then re-open the same loop again? I'll just have to try it out myself  

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Message 4/9             20-Feb-02  @  08:47 PM   -   RE: rex programing



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no no no silly hotmail user, the suggestions are not sequential. they are just a list of different things you can do.

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Message 5/9             22-Feb-02  @  06:53 AM   -   RE: rex programing


Posts: 55

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ha ha, silly me. I hear what you're saying, they're just suggestions. thanks.

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Message 6/9             08-Mar-02  @  07:41 AM   -   RE: rex programing


Posts: 720

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automated filter sweeps.

individual pans of slices.

copy pattern to track and then copy the part
onto another dr. rex track playing a different
loop (you get all sorts of good inspirarion with

select the midi part and then selct "alter notes"
and then randomize the slices

use a matrix curve to automate almost any
parameter of the dr. rex.

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Message 7/9             08-Mar-02  @  10:29 AM   -   RE: rex programing

Brett B


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I quantize to 16ths for a really tight feel.

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Message 8/9             14-Mar-02  @  08:32 PM   -   RE: rex programing


Posts: 42

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take your ReDrum loops and export as wave, open in Recycle and chop, then bring'em back into Reason in DrRex. you can do neat stuff from there, with your recycled beat shifting around under and over your ReDrum parts.

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Message 9/9             14-Mar-02  @  11:59 PM   -   RE: rex programing

Brett B


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took a drop bass thing I made by layering tones I made in Stomper that really drop overtime. Then arranged them and exported the audio loop,recycled the arrangment and I got some cool drops trigering of the recycle player now.
The redrum idea is cool too.

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