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Subject: PC-Synth?

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Original Message 1/9             14-Nov-00  @  06:24 PM   -   PC-Synth?



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Ok, I was totally going to get the Yamaha cs6-x...I think that's what it was anyway...until I found out how much I have to pay, and being a rather skint college student, that just ain't gon happen!

SO! I am wondering if there is any kind of software/hardware package out there that is, or is like, a simple keyboard that connects to my PC which has software on it that would act like a synth? Even something hardly like this, but cheap and useable by me, is great too!

Any suggestions or knowledge (especially prices and stores) are very much welcome!


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Message 2/9             14-Nov-00  @  10:07 PM   -   RE: PC-Synth?



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It can be done, but latency (delay between the key press and sound coming out of the speakers) is going to be rough with a cheap setup. You'd need to spend on a good sound card most likely (although I admit this isn't my area of expertise).

You'd probably be better off getting a cheap used analog or VA to start with, and use the computer as a multitrack recorder and sampler.


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Message 3/9             14-Nov-00  @  11:56 PM   -   RE: PC-Synth?



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Ok, I have no Idea what to look for, any sugestions? And where do I look?

Also, what would the interface have to be? I have a really nice...sort of...sound card already. I just got it a few months ago (SB Live...I don't remember which one, but I let someone talk me out of the Plaitnum, so it's below that)

I feel really ignorant because I really don't know much of anything about this stuff, maybe I need a mentor or something.


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Message 4/9             15-Nov-00  @  01:16 PM   -   RE: PC-Synth?



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budget ? - pc spec' ??

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Message 5/9             15-Nov-00  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: PC-Synth?



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get a cheap master keyboard just for tranmitting midi data and use the soundfonts in the SBlive. (there are 2 synths on the card.) you will need a midi cable which attaches to the joystick port.
later on if you need ASIO, fx, multi outs, check out the APSlive drivers. they will turn your sblive into a man. the synth sounds are probably a lot better as well and you can use fx on single istruments or whole synths
(its true the sblive platinum doesnt add much funcionality but costs like 3 or 4 times as much as the value version)

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Message 6/9             16-Nov-00  @  03:28 AM   -   RE: PC-Synth?



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how about a pulsarII card ?? - LOTS o' power, 32 channel mixer, fx, synths... NO LATENCY - no latency... i repeat.. etc

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Message 7/9             16-Nov-00  @  03:32 AM   -   RE: PC-Synth?



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it also loads akai sampler programmes DIRECT from your cdrom drive !!!!!! - NOT JUST THE SAMPLES BUT THE WHOLE SHEEBANG, THE PROGRAMME THE FILTER SETTINGS THE SCALING MAPPING ETC ETC... LOAD AND PLAY - so you get access to aki format sample cd world... do you have any idea how many sample cd's have been created in akai S format ??... thousands & thousands !!... (and they got waldorf oscillators) - check the demo audio... BIG synth sounds..

OH, and it's GERMAN... nuff said !

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Message 8/9             16-Nov-00  @  05:03 AM   -   RE: PC-Synth?


Posts: 83

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So does a card like the PowerSampler require much processing speed since it already has dsp chips on it? I know it hogs the memory like a bitch.

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Message 9/9             16-Nov-00  @  10:25 AM   -   RE: PC-Synth?



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yeah that pulsar looks amazing its got like 2ms asio latency or something

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