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Subject: VST Instuments

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Original Message 1/9             04-Nov-00  @  02:15 PM   -   VST Instuments



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nifty site for info and links for VSTis
lots of free downloads,

k have you checked this VSampler yet?


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Message 2/9             07-Nov-00  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: VST Instuments


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Cheers, quite useful that. The bit with screen shots of instruments showing the midi controller numbers was smart - I didn't realise you can control stuff with standard controllers like 74 for cut-off etc.

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Message 3/9             11-Nov-00  @  12:15 AM   -   RE: VST Instuments



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is there a way to use cubasse with vst intruments on 16 channels( i.e 16 neon's or something)..and hav an external sequencer(mpc2000) use them like a multitimbral the moment it only triggers notes on the channel i've got selected.

i can turn my laptop into a sound module then  

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Message 4/9             11-Nov-00  @  06:04 AM   -   RE: VST Instuments



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that is a good question.. and similar to that guy asking can he play tow modules from two master keyboards with two hands thru vst & record it on the right channels and pass it thru to the right channels... good questions both... no idea... never needed to know... try setting the channel to 'all' ??? or any or whatever is the default for 'no specific channel' - then set the NEONS to their channels and assing each the IN port the mpc is coming in on... then choose a new track, and set it to ANY.. mebbe try that??...

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Message 5/9             11-Nov-00  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: VST Instuments



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perhaps you could use a drum track and then within the drum editor route the outputs to all the diferent VSTi´s, say 2 octaves of the keyboard per intrument if you see what i mean.

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Message 6/9             12-Nov-00  @  01:33 AM   -   RE: VST Instuments



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or Check out VSampler it can act as host for VSTi's and VST FX Plugins plus it can import wav, sf2, akai sample cds, it can do velocity crossfades and has loads of filters and it has 2 integrated synthesisers, that would be quite a sound module, very economical on system resources as well...

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Message 7/9             12-Nov-00  @  01:34 AM   -   RE: VST Instuments



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thanks,i tried the first response but had no luck,but the second reply might do something...

ive read that the pro5 can run as an application,so i might investigate that..
ive seen vsampler too,which i think runs on its own,so i might try that..(i'm using an ibook atm)


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Message 8/9             12-Nov-00  @  02:18 AM   -   RE: VST Instuments



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yes vsampler can run as a standalone aplication and be played directly by external keyboard (or sequencer)

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Message 9/9             14-Nov-00  @  06:07 PM   -   RE: VST Instuments



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see that other thread - sox says put the switch on vst for 'MULTIRECORD' then make sure the channels you want are enabled.. mebbe that'll route it thru to the multiple NEON's

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