aaa Orion sucks! Should I get Reason?? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??

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Original Message 1/9             19-Jan-03  @  08:42 AM   -   Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??



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Is anyone expreriencing this phenomenon: I have 384 mb of RAM and when I run Orion Platinum my computer reports 88% RAM capacity so why does the program freeze up my whole ing computer every time I press stop after running any instrument through the rotary effect???? Its fine while its playing, but as soon as I press stop, the bottom right CPU monitor jumps to 76%(ish) and less than a second later, my mouse doesnt move and I am forced to restart the computer. Fuck That!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sick of stuff like that happening! Should I get more memory or is it strictly a software problem (i suspect the latter). But Damn! I wish I was rich enough to have a 100% hardware studio because crashes are the most annoying thing ever created. Thanks ~Matt

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Message 2/9             19-Jan-03  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??


Posts: 12353

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could be anything mate - you dont give enuff details really - but then an issue like that could require a checklist to go thru of all sorts of things - is the ram sticks matched in your pc ok? - does it do it of you remove the 128 stick? - is the soundcard reliable (no make/model given) - is the s-card on a dedicated irq and pci slot 3? - is the plugin faulty?... does it do it with all plugin synths you try? - etc etc


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/9             19-Jan-03  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??



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What OS is that under? Sounds more like a hardware fault like K said. Unless it's 95/98/ME in which case it could be anything.

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Message 4/9             11-Feb-03  @  04:30 AM   -   RE: Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??


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there is a yahoo orion group..go there and ask
and NO it doesnt do that to me

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Message 5/9             12-Feb-03  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??


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It's frustrating as hell when that stuff happens. You might want to check that stick of ram like k mentioned. Could be it's bad or maybe just not seated right. If you want in general, there are a bunch of free for download benchmarking tools you can get from with explanations how to use them. 2 years ago I wouldn't have guessed I'd be saying this but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You can do stuff with software you can't do with hardware much cheaper and that gap is gonna get wider.

Anyway check your ram and if that doesn't solve your problem, the info from benchmarking all the components of your pc should clue you in.

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Message 6/9             12-Feb-03  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??



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Lol check your Ram.

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Message 7/9             14-Feb-03  @  09:21 PM   -   RE: Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??


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Check yer drivers too... reinstall them.... and check your background proggys, with task manager.

Also, Reason is boring. Get the new Fruity FL... hard disk recording/multi-tracking, tons of new features...

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Message 8/9             12-Mar-03  @  02:58 AM   -   RE: Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??



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-Fruity Fl huh?

-Is that new, where can i read more about it?

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Message 9/9             12-Mar-03  @  10:36 AM   -   RE: Orion sucks! Should I get Reason??


Posts: 12353

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what about the new Project5 from cakewalk - same sort of s/w workstation, which also can REWIRE into any host s/w too! - Project5 also has ACID style 'auto audio looping tracks' facility


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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