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Subject: that UAD1 card

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Original Message 1/9             28-Oct-02  @  02:10 AM   -   that UAD1 card


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I was chatting with a guy today who uses it in a 1ghz pc with VST and he says he has to ofset the tracks not using it 9delay them) cos it has latency... ewwww.. is that the case with all pc's/soundcards regardless of power/driver quality - he said they had to give up using the reverb, but thecomps were great... i'm not sure he'd used a 2gh or above athlon tho with s/w hi-end comp's to compare... doesn't sound so good anyways... I heard there was some latancy problems from some other reviews - were they saying the latency was pci bus based?...

he was using a yammy dsp card with the breakoutbox thing.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/9             28-Oct-02  @  04:33 AM   -   RE: that UAD1 card


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well geez there's your problem. I have the yammie DSP piece of shit and the best latency I can get in Sonar is 11 ms and even then the audio engine stops frequently. I usually double that if I'm not tracking a soft synth.

The DSP Factory has serious driver issues and I'm sure that couldn't have helped the review. It is interesting if others are having the problem though.


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Message 3/9             28-Oct-02  @  05:47 AM   -   RE: that UAD1 card


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yes. plugin delay compensation. ends up being roughly twice your system latency...

only on sends and busses, and its really not a big deal to compensate.

one question...why would you not be able to use reverb? I mean..Im at 10ms big...wouldnt even be able to hear it!

I dig the compressors and the preflex/nigel. other stuff is tight and nice sounding too...

for $600? shiiiit

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Message 4/9             04-Nov-02  @  09:49 PM   -   RE: that UAD1 card


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I tend to not use the Yammie card for any of its mixing features. I do sometimes use the effects..

Psylichon, do you know if there's a way to automate the faders on the DSP Factory?


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Message 5/9             04-Nov-02  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: that UAD1 card


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i agree. I don't use the compressors or eqs at all. The UI is terrible, and the sound is similar. It's nice having two hardware reverbs though, and I do use them almost every mix.

As far as I know, there's no automation of the AudioX console. Man, that's a format that just never took off. They made a big todo about it (audiox! audiox! everyone's doin' it!) and then only made one shitty version of an AudioX console for an underdeveloped, discontinued card. yay!


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Message 6/9             04-Nov-02  @  11:39 PM   -   RE: that UAD1 card


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...but I'll never trash the thing because I'm holding on to the hopes that some brilliant mind will reverse-engineer this thing and allow you to run native plugins on it. There's a LOT of DSP on this card! I wonder how it compares in raw MIPS to the UAD...


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Message 7/9             05-Nov-02  @  03:07 PM   -   RE: that UAD1 card


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I would use the comps on it but the metering is awful.. It's hard to tell when it's clipping. Same with the EQ, although there isn't a clip meter at all on that.. That C-sound proggie for it looks like it solves all those problems but it waslike $1000 last I checked.

wasted potential  


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Message 8/9             08-Nov-02  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: that UAD1 card



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influx, I am little hazzy on the compensation thing. I have been thinking of getting this card and keeping a native system. So if you could explain exactly what you have to do in a track to correct the issue i would apreciate it.

I was aware that it was the grouped tracks, but I have always noticed a problem with them syncing up since delay compensation doesn't work on grouped tracks. But what about the sends you mentioned?

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Message 9/9             10-Nov-02  @  11:27 PM   -   RE: that UAD1 card


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theres delay on sends, too...

so you put the PDC plugin on the tracks that arent using actual plugs and it lines up

no probs on inserts. groups need PDC too...

I havent even used it cuz the only thing i use sends for is the reverb so far...everything else I just insert or process offline...

its a damn fine card, man.

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