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Subject: Mys Nine

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Original Message 1/13             17-Nov-03  @  02:15 AM   -   Mys Nine


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New track... Been playing with sending efx on tracks to improve overall mix. The result is so satisfactory, i haven't had a need to do any final mix processing on this one. Thanks to Milan and Psy for some valuable tips....

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Message 2/13             17-Nov-03  @  10:56 AM   -   RE: Mys Nine


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Schweet! Really like the housey piano.. Takes me back a bit..

The only thing... This is crying out for a strong vocal.


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Message 3/13             17-Nov-03  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: Mys Nine



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or some funky-ass leads! yeah baby.....

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Message 4/13             17-Nov-03  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: Mys Nine


Posts: 507

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Listening now... Cool mechanised bass, really funky feel, this would be definetly a track to dance to. String sound is maybe a bit harsh (because of the 48kbps ?), but the vibe is great! It reminds me of the old "techno" classics...

Also, nice stereo image. Thumbs up for sure!

(can we have your aux send techniques please?)

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Message 5/13             17-Nov-03  @  08:46 PM   -   RE: Mys Nine



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yea let's have it ya twats!!!!

he heh.

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Message 6/13             18-Nov-03  @  07:28 AM   -   RE: Mys Nine


Posts: 686

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Thanks people. I discovered compressing individual tracks rather than the final mix seems to work, allowing sounds more room. So it made sense to use the aux send in Sonar and send compression and other effects to tracks. That's it. This is old news... but I just haven't used auxes before. Nifty tool.

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Message 7/13             18-Nov-03  @  08:25 AM     Edit: 18-Nov-03  |  08:26 AM   -   RE: Mys Nine


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I dig the piano! Maybe a chord change on each 4 would make it move a little more. Just MHO tho....

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Message 8/13             18-Nov-03  @  09:54 AM   -   RE: Mys Nine


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I actually did just that. Then took it out.... didn't fit.

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Message 9/13             18-Nov-03  @  12:07 PM   -   RE: Mys Nine


Posts: 507

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Yeah, once I've read that distortion is strictly an insert effect and should not be used as send fx. I'm using distortion as send on drum tracks ever since

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Message 10/13             18-Nov-03  @  01:43 PM   -   RE: Mys Nine



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that's simply horrible rags. why would you behave like that?!
i mean what's the point?!?!?!?!
what does it buy you?

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